
Hranjenje in razstavljanje slik Andraža Šalamuna – problemi in rešitve
ID Maltar, Nika (Author), ID Trček Pečak, Tamara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kralj Cigić, Irena (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo obravnava problematiko hranjenja in razstavljanja sodobnih umetniških del, s poudarkom na izbrani sliki umetnika Andraža Šalamuna. Slika, ki je predmet diplomske naloge je nastala leta 1980 in sodi v zgodnje obdobje Šalamunovega abstraktnega slikarstva. Umetnik je sliko ustvaril v načinu action paintinga in drippinga v zanj značilnem velikem formatu. Dimenzije izbranega dela so 294 × 453 cm. Nosilec je narejen iz neobdelane jute, ki nima podloge in ni napet na podokvir. Izbrana slika je bila skupaj z drugimi deli, ki so bila večinoma izposojena iz različnih kulturnih ustanov in od zasebnih zbiralcev leta 2017 predstavljena na pregledni razstavi v Moderni galeriji v Ljubljani. Pri postavljanju razstave so največje probleme predstavljale slike iz zgodnjega obdobja Šalamunovega ustvarjanja (1976–1980). Vsa navedena dela so bila velikega formata in niso bila napeta na podokvir. Diplomsko delo se vsebinsko osredotoča na metodološke dileme hranjenja, prenašanja in etične dileme razstavljanja del, s katerimi smo se soočali v postopku postavljanja razstave.

Keywords:konservatorstvo-restavratorstvo, andraž šalamun, sodobno slikarstvo, 20. stoletje, velike dimenzije, nenapete slike, razstavljanje, hranjenje, dileme, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103382 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2018
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Title:Preserving and exhibiting of paintings by Andraž Šalamun –problems and solutions
The topic of the bachelor's thesis is a discussion about the problem of preserving and exhibiting contemporary artworks with the stress on the chosen painting by the artist Andraž Šalamun. The painting that is the subject of the thesis was created in 1980 and belongs to the early period of Šalamun's abstract painting. The artist created the painting in the modes of action painting and dripping, in his characteristic large format. The dimensions of the selected work are 294 × 453 cm. The carrier is made of untreated jute, which is not primed and is not stretched on the sub-frame. The chosen painting, together with other works, which were mostly borrowed from different cultural institutions and private collectors, was presented on a retrospective exhibition in the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana (Moderna galerija v Ljubljani) in 2017. When setting up the exhibition, the greatest issue were the paintings from the early period of Šalamun's creative work (1976–1980). All the listed works were created in a large format and were not stretched on the sub-frame. In terms of content, the bachelor's thesis focuses on the methodological dilemmas of preserving and transporting, as well as on ethical dilemmas of exhibiting the works of art, which we faced during the process of setting up the exhibition.

Keywords:conservation-restoration, andraž šalamun, contemporary art, 20th century, large dimensions, unstretched paintings, exhibiting, preservation, dilemmas, BA thesis

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