
Morfologija kot izhodišče za energijsko učinkovito gradnjo : diplomska naloga
ID Žagar, Špela (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pajek, Luka (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo zajema študijo parametrov, ki vplivajo na energijsko učinkovitost naselja. Opazovan je bil vpliv dejavnikov, od katerih je odvisna izraba sončnega potenciala. Glede na obravnavano večstanovanjsko tipologijo so bili izbrani trije različni, obstoječi vzorci pozidave v Ljubljani; terasni bloki v Kosezah, atrijski bloki na Viču in stolpnice ob Streliški cesti. Pri vsakem posameznem modelu zazidave je bil opazovan objekt, ki je glede na sončne dobitke lociran najbolj neugodno. S programom Rhinoceros 3D sem izdelala modele pozidave, na katerih je bila nato izpeljana parametrična študija tistega faktorja, ki ima največji vpliv na prejeto sončno sevanje. Prvi parameter, ki je bil opazovan je bila razdalja, kjer sem povečevala ali zmanjševala razmake med objekti, drugi parameter opazovanja je bila rotacija, kjer sem objekte sukala od 0 do 30° v smeri od juga proti zahodu, naslednji parameter je bil razpon notranjega dela atrija, s čimer sem spreminjala velikost notranjega dvorišča. Zadnji parameter obravnave je bila višina, kjer sem spreminjala višino sosednjih objektov. Izvedeni sta bili dve vrsti analize; prva je potekala s programskima orodjema Grasshopper in Diva, kjer sem izračunala, kolikšno je povprečno letno prejeto sončno sevanje obravnavanega objekta, druga pa je obsegala izračun energije, potrebne za ogrevanje objekta v programskem orodju UMI. Analiza je pokazala, da moramo pri načrtovanju energijsko učinkovitih stavb upoštevati primerno gostoto pozidave, kjer je sončni potencial odvisen od razmaka med objekti, faktorja zazidljivosti in posledičnega medsebojnega senčenja objektov, ter tudi orientacijo, kjer je najbolj pomembna čim večja izpostavljenost površin sončnemu sevanju ter z njo povezano obliko in geometrijo objekta.

Keywords:morfologija naselja, energijska učinkovitost, sončno sevanje, poraba energije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[Š. Žagar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103352 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8532065 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Morphology of the settlement as the starting point for energy efficient building forms : graduation thesis
This graduation theses includes a study of the parameters that influence the energy efficiency of the settlement. Influence of factors, that utilization of solar potential depends upon, was observed. According to the discussed apartment building typology, three different, existing urban patterns in Ljubljana were selected; terraced blocks in Koseze, atrium blocks on Vič and skyscraper along Streliška cesta street. For each individual model the building, which is the most unfavorable in terms of solar gains was selected. With the Rhinoceros 3D program, I created the urban patterns models, where a parametric study of the factor which has the greatest influence on the received solar radiation was performed. The first parameter that was observed was the distance between the buildings, where I increased or reduced the spacing between the objects; the second parameter of the observation was the rotation, where the objects were rotated from 0 to 30 ° in the direction from south to west. The next parameter was the range of the inward part of the atrium, which changed the size of the inner courtyard. The last parameter of the discussion was the building height where I changed the level of the adjacent objects. Two types of analysis were performed; the first was done with the software tools Grasshopper and Diva, where I calculated the average annual solar radiation received by the treated object, and the other included the calculation of the energy required for heating the object in the UMI software tool. The analysis showed that when designing energy efficient buildings, the appropriate density should be taken into consideration, where the solar potential depends on the distance between the objects, the floor area ratio and the consequent mutual shading of objects, as well as the orientation where is the most important the maximized exposure of surfaces to sunlight and its associated shape and object geometry.

Keywords:morphology of the settlement, energy efficiency, solar radiation, energy consumption

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