
Ocenjevanje osebnosti psov pasme tibetanski terier
ID Blenkuš, Urša (Author), ID Zupan, Manja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu smo s testom za oceno duševnosti psa, ki ga je zasnoval Svartberg (2003), ocenili osebnost psov pasme tibetanski terier. Test je bil sestavljen iz desetih delov: socialni stik, igra 1, test lovljenja, pasivno stanje, igra z razdalje, nenaden nastop, hrup kovine in verige, pojav duha, igra 2 in hrup strela. Med testiranjem, ki je potekalo na prostem, so sodelovali lastnik in njegov pes, trener, ocenjevalec in pomočnik. Testirali smo 13 psov, v starosti od enega do treh let. Za vsakega psa smo za testiranje porabili med 20 in 30 minut. Naše hipoteze so bile, da lahko s testiranjem ocenimo osebnost posameznega psa kot tudi pasme. Domnevali smo, da bodo mlajši psi bolj igrivi in manj agresivni, med tem ko bodo samci agresivnejši od samic in bolj šolani psi bolj družabni v primerjavi z manj šolanimi. Glede na odzive obnašanja smo ocenili osebnost psa in jo razdelili na pet komponent: igrivost, lovljenje, radovednost, družabnost in agresijo. Tibetanski terier se je izkazal kot pes, navdušen nad lovom in zelo družaben. Igrivost je dosegla višje rezultate kot radovednost. Najnižje odzive so dosegli pri agresiji. Samice, mlajši in nižje šolani psi so izražali večje zanimanje za lov, med tem ko so samci, starejši in višje šolani psi bili bolj družabni.

Keywords:psi, tibetanski terier, lastnosti osebnosti, ocenjevanje, metode
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103340 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4138632 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of personality traits in Tibetan terrier
In this BSc thesis we used the Dog mentality assessment test designed by Svartberg (2003) to evaluate dog's personality. The dogs of Tibetan Terrier breed were tested. The test consisted of ten parts: social contact, play 1, chase, passive situation, distance play, sudden appearance, metallic noise, ghosts, play 2 and gunshot. Testing took place in an outside area. In the test, the owner, his dog, a test-leader, an observer and an assistant were present. We tested thirteen dogs between the age of one and three years and between 20 to 30 minutes per dog. Our hypotheses were that we can evaluate individual dog's personality using the above described test as well as the personality of a breed. We assumed that younger dogs would be more playful and less aggressive, while males more aggressive than females and dogs with more schooling more sociable. Based on dogs behavioural responses, we divided personalityinto five dimensions: playfulness, chase-proneness, curiosity, sociability and aggressiveness. The results showed that Tibetan Terrier has a high chase potential and is very social. Tibetan Terrier showed more Playfulness than Curiosity. The lowest score was achieved for aggression. Females, young dogs and dogs with less schooling showed a higher potential in chasing, while males, older dogs and dogs with a higher schooling got higher scores in social behaviour.

Keywords:dogs, Tibetan terrier, personality traits, assessment, methods

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