
Termične lastnosti večkrat recikliranega polietilena visoke gostote
ID Aljančič, Rok (Author), ID Slemenik Perše, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V industriji polimernih materialov je zaželeno, da se odpadni polimerni material reciklira in s tem ponovno uporabi. Tu se pojavi vprašanje, ali proces recikliranja vpliva na termične lastnosti novonastalih polimernih proizvodov, kar je tudi cilj zaključne naloge. Pri tem smo se osredotočili na termične lastnosti polietilena visoke gostote (HDPE), enega izmed najbolj uporabljenih polimerov. V okviru termičnih lastnosti HDPE materiala, je bilo potrebno analizirati temperaturo tališča in kristalizacije ter entalpijo kristalizacije in stopnjo kristaliničnosti. Na razpolago smo imeli vzorce osnovnega HDPE materiala ter vzorce 50x in 100x recikliranega materiala pri mešanicah 10/90, 50/50 in 90/10 recikliranega napram nerecikliranemu materialu. Temperatura tališča se je gibala v razponu med 131,4 °C do 138,6 °C, temperatura kristalizacije pa med 113,8 °C do 118,9 °C. Entalpija kristalizacije je z naraščanjem deleža recikliranega materiala upadala. Prav tako smo padec vrednosti zabeležili pri stopnji kristaliničnosti, ki je znašala 14,44% z naraščanjem deleža recikliranega materiala pri 50x reciklaži in 18,57% z naraščanjem deleža recikliranega materiala pri 100x reciklaži glede na vrednost stopnje kristaliničnosti nerecikliranega HDPE materiala.

Keywords:polimeri reciklaža termične lastnosti stopnja kristaliničnosti polietilen visoke gostote diferenčna dinamična kalorimetrija
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher:[R. Aljančič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103325 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16430107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2018
ALJANČIČ, Rok, 2018, Termične lastnosti večkrat recikliranega polietilena visoke gostote [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. R. Aljančič. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Thermal properties of extensively recycled high density polyethylene
The industry of polymers has a tendency to recycle and reuse as much waste material as possible. This raises the question, does the recycling process affect the thermic properties of the new polymer products? The main goal of the thesis was to provide an answer to the above-mentioned issue. The research was focused on the thermal properties of high density polyethylene (HDPE) because it is one of the most used polymers in the plastics production process. To define the thermal properties of HDPE, the temperatures of the melting and crystallization points had to be determined, as well as the enthalpy and the level of the crystallization. For this investigation, samples of a non-recycled HDPE and samples that were recycled 50 and 100 times were used. Polymer mixtures were prepared by mixing non-recycled HDPE with the recycled polymer at mixture ratios of 10/90, 50/50 and 90/10. The melting point was determined to be in the range of 131,4 °C to 138,6 °C, while the temperature of crystallization was between 113,8 °C to 118,9 °C. The enthalpy of crystallization decreased with an increasing amount of recycled material in the mixture. A drop in the level of crystallization was also determined. There was a 14,44% drop, from the 10% recycled material mixture to the 90% for the 50 times recycled HDPE compared to the non-recycled HDPE. For the 100 times recycled HDPE, there was an 18,57% drop from the 10% to 90% mixtures in comparison to the non-recycled HDPE.

Keywords:polymers recycling thermal properties degree of crystallinity high density polyethylene differential scanning calorimetry

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