
Vidiki integracije pri učenju plavanja otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra : diplomsko delo
ID Gabrovšek, Nina (Author), ID Karpljuk, Damir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zorko, Anja (Comentor)

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Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati pomen telesne aktivnosti za otroke, ki imajo motnjo avtističnega spektra. Predstaviti plavanje, ki je le ena izmed možnosti, katera pozitivno vpliva na telesni, gibalni in psihološki razvoj otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra. Otroci z motnjo avtističnega spektra imajo triado primanjkljajev na področju komunikacije, vedenja in socializacije. Podrobneje smo se ukvarjali z zadnjo. Prav socializacija je eden izmed glavnih dejavnikov, po katerih ločimo avtistične otroke od tistih z drugimi razvojnimi motnjami. Velja tudi nepisano pravilo, da je vsak izmed njih drugačen. Mnogi se izogibajo socialnih stikov, imajo odstopanja v vzajemnih čustvenih in socialnih odnosih. Nekateri imajo odpor do sprememb in so navajeni rutine, spet druge spremembe ne motijo. Cilj je bil prikazati vidike oziroma možnosti socialnega vključevanja otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra in predstaviti njihove pozitivne učinke. Osredotočili smo se na obdobje otroštva do adolescence otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra, ki se vključujejo v plavalne tečaje na eni izmed ljubljanskih plavalnih šol. Na podlagi primerov iz prakse smo lahko povzeli nekaj dejstev o vidikih integracije teh otrok v plavalne skupine. Raziskav o sami integraciji otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra v športu ni veliko. Obstoječe raziskave se navezujejo predvsem na šolski sistem in ne na izvenšolske športne dejavnosti. Vseeno smo na podlagi tuje literature in primerov iz prakse v diplomski nalogi ugotovili, da lahko otroka v plavalne skupine vključujemo popolnoma samostojno ali s pomočjo spremljevalca. Vsekakor pa vključevanje pozitivno vpliva na socialni razvoj otroka s to razvojno motnjo.

Keywords:motnje avtističnega spektra, avtizem, plavanje, socialna integracija, prilagojeni plavalni programi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103304 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5422513 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Aspect of integration in the learning of swimming children with motion of authentic spectra
The purpose of the diploma work is to show the importance of physical activity for children with disorders of the autistic spectrum. Introduce swimming, which is only one of the options that has a positive effect on the physical, motor and psychological development of children with autism spectrum disorders. Children with autism spectrum disorders have a triad of deficits in communication, behavior and socialization. We studied socialization in more detail, then the rest of deficits. Socialization is one of the main factors in distinguishing autistic children from those with other developmental disorders. There is also an unwritten rule that each of them is different. Many people avoid social contacts, they have deviations in mutual emotional and social relationships. Some have resistance to change and are accustomed to routines, but other changes do not disturb. The aim was to present aspects, or the possibilities of social inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders, and to present their positive effects. We focused on the period of childhood to adolescence of children with autism spectrum disorders involved in swimming courses at one of the Ljubljana swimming schools. Based on practical examples, we could summarize some facts about aspects of the integration of these children into swimming groups. There is not much research on the integration of children with MAS in sports. Existing research relates primarily to the school system and not to outside school sporting activities. Nevertheless, based on foreign literature and examples from practice in the diploma work, we found that we can include children in swimming groups completely independently or with the help of an assistant. In any case, integration has a positive impact on the social development of a child with MAS. 

Keywords:Autistic spectrum disorders, autism, swimming, social integration, customized swimming programs

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