
Analiza suše podzemne vode na primeru Dravsko Ptujskega polja
ID Adrinek, Simona (Author), ID Brenčič, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Suša je pojav, ki v svetovnem merilu predstavlja vedno večji problem. Poznamo več vrst suše, med katerimi je najbolj raziskana meteorološka suša, med najslabše razumljenimi pa je suša podzemne vode. Z raziskavami suše podzemne vode se je hidrogeologija začela intenzivneje ukvarjati šele v zadnjem desetletju. Za območje Slovenije skorajda nimamo podatkov o suši podzemne vode. Sušo podzemne vode je mogoče opredeliti s pomočjo statistične analize diagramov nihanja gladine podzemne vode v posameznih opazovalnih vrtinah. Za analizo lahko uporabimo decilne vrednosti gladine podzemne vode, ki opredeljujejo, kdaj so bile gladine podzemne vode najnižje. Drugi pristop je uporaba univariantnih indeksov. Primer takšnega indeksa je standardizirani indeks podzemne vode (SGI). Na primeru kvartarnega odprtega medzrnskega vodonosnika Dravsko-Ptujskega polja so bila na dobljene rezultate opredeljena hidrološka stanja primanjkljaja vode za posamezna merilna mesta in nato prikazana z ustreznimi kartami in diagrami. Pri analizi sušnih obdobij na Dravsko-Ptujskem polju se je izkazalo, da se obdobja s primanjkljajem podzemne vode med merilnimi mesti pojavljajo dokaj enakomerno, a se razlikujejo v intenziteti in trajanju posameznega dogodka. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da intenziteta suše ni odvisna od dolžine posameznega sušnega dogodka. Krajši sušni dogodek je lahko veliko intenzivnejši kot dolgotrajnejši sušni dogodek. Merilna mesta, ki se nahajajo ob obrobju Dravskega polja pod Pohorjem, imajo višjo amplitudo nihanja gladine podzemne vode, kar se odraža tudi v intenzivnejših in daljših sušnih obdobjih. Merilna mesta v osrednjem in vzhodnem delu polja imajo bolj dušeno nihanje, kar privede do manj intenzivnih sušnih dogodkov, ki so številčnejši.

Keywords:geologija, hidrogeologija, suša podzemne vode, SGI, Dravsko-Ptujsko polje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103297 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1416542 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Groundwater drought – case study on Dravsko Ptujsko polje
Drought is a complex phenomenon and can be defined in many ways. It is globally growing problem that occurs on a time scale from months to years. There are several types of drought. The most known is meteorological drought and the least investigated is groundwater drought. Groundwater drought studies started relatively recently in the last decade. In Slovenia, there are almost no data on groundwater drought. Groundwater drought can be determined by statistical analysis of groundwater level diagrams in individual observation wells. First method, which was used for analysis, is based on ranking statistics defined by lower deciles indicating low groundwater level. Another approach was based on univariant indices. It is a so-called Standardized Groundwater Index (SGI). As a case study unconfined Quaternary aquifer of Dravsko-Ptujsko polje was chosen. Accordingly hydrological status of the groundwater deficit for individual observation wells was determined and illustrated on maps and diagrams. With the analysis of drought periods, on the Dravsko-Ptujsko polje, it turned out that the groundwater deficit between the observation wells appear quite simultaneously, but differ in the intensity and duration of each event. The important conclusion is that the intensity of groundwater drought does not depend on the length of an event. A shorter event can be much more intense than a long lasting event. Observation wells located on the western rim below Pohorje Mountains have higher amplitude of groundwater fluctuations the others. This has a consequence of more intensive dry periods, with longer duration. On the other hand, the locations in the central and eastern part of the Dravsko polje, have a more damped fluctuation, which leads to less intensive, but more frequent groundwater drought events.

Keywords:geology, hydrogeology, groundwater drought, SGI, Dravsko-Ptujsko polje

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