
Kolektivna memorija: študija primera politične osebnosti Josipa Broza Tita
ID Duvnjak, Barbara (Author), ID Velikonja, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Perak, Benedikt (Comentor)

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Diplomska naloga obravnava področje kolektivne memorije udeležencev treh narodov bivše Jugoslavije – Hrvaške, Slovenije in Srbije. S pomočjo kognitivne teorije skuša prikazati emocionalne tendence anketirancev do zgodovinske osebe Josipa Broza Tita in bivše države Jugoslavije. Jedro naloge vsebuje opredelitev ključnih pojmov, ki zadevajo narod, nostalgijo ter emocije, ki skupaj tvorijo kolektivne zavesti družb ter individualne zavesti posameznikov znotraj teh družb. Primerjalno so predstavljene emocionalne tendence anketirancev, katere so razdeljene v skupine, ki ustrezajo državam, v katerih imajo stalno prebivališče. S kognitivno teorijo, imenovano appraisal theory of emotions so prikazane podobnosti in razlike v emocionalnih tendencah do Josipa Broza in Jugoslavije med skupinami anketirancev in med generacijami znotraj in med skupinami, s čimer je prikazan tudi prenos spomina skozi generacije. Od dveh zastavljenih hipotez sem eno uspela potrditi, drugo pa sem zavrnila. V študiji sem potrdila hipotezo, da je video Titovega govora deloval kot signifikanten stimulans emocionalnih tendenc pri anketirancih. Hipotezo, da je spomin na Tita odvisen od posameznikovega naroda, kateremu pripada, sem v primerjavi emocionalnih tendenc ovrgla. Na spomin, kot sem ugotovila, vpliva več elementov, kot so nostalgija, prenos spomina skozi generacije ter današnja realnost življenj posameznikov.

Keywords:Narod, kolektivni spomin, Jugo-nostalgija, emocije.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103276 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35905629 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Collective memory: A case study of a political figure Josip Broz Tito
The thesis addresses the field of the collective memory of the participants of three former Yugoslav republics – Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia. Using a cognitive theory, it attempts to portray emotional tendencies of questionnaires toward the historical figure Josip Broz Tito and the former Yugoslavia. The core task is definitions of key term regarding nations, nostalgia, and emotions, which together form collective frameworks of societies and individual frameworks of individuals within these societies. I comparatively presented emotional tendencies of interviewees in my study and distributed them into groups which correspond to their countries of origin. Using the cognitive theory, named the appraisal theory of emotions, I strived to portray similarities and differences in emotional tendencies toward Josip Broz and Yugoslavia, both between groups of respondents and between generations within and between groups, and, in this way, acknowledged the transfer of memory through generations. I managed to confirm one of the two hypotheses I set up while the other was rejected. Throughout the study, I confirmed the hypothesis that the video of Tito's speech acted as a significant stimulant for emotional tendencies among respondents. The hypothesis that the memory of Tito depends on our national background, I rebuked through the comparison of emotional tendencies of the participants in the study. The memory, as I have found, is influenced by several elements, such as nostalgia, the transfer of memory through generations, and today's reality of individuals' lives.

Keywords:Nation, collective memory, Yugo-nostalgia, emotions.

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