
Primerjava obrambnih politik držav BRIC
ID Lunar, Klemen (Author), ID Prezelj, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Družba se v zadnjih letih izjemno hitro spreminja, prav to pa je (tudi) posledica za nastanek zveze držav BRIC. Države zveze BRIC so se povezale v zvezo predvsem zaradi gospodarskih kazalnikov. Danes veljajo za tiste države, katere imajo največji potencial, da bi lahko v prihodnosti “ogrozile” in spremenile trenutno svetovno ureditev, v kateri živimo od konca hladne vojne naprej z ZDA kot hegemonom. Kot sem že omenil, je zveza držav BRIC nastala zaradi povezave ekonomskih kazalnikov, najpomembnejšo vlogo pa je pri tem vsekakor igral kazalnik gospodarske rasti. Pomembno vlogo so pri tem igrale tudi geografske predispozicije držav (predvsem zadostna velikost države in zadostno število prebivalcev). Dejstvo je, da je dobro gospodarstvo neke države, ključ do njene uspešne obrambne politike, saj je slednja močno odvisna od prve. Zato se v tem diplomskem delu posvetim analizi treh izbranih obrambnih kazalnikov, kateri po mojem mnenju najbolje prikažejo celotno sliko in moč vojska po vsem svetu. Te kazalnike nato med vsemi državami BRIC tudi primerjam. V diplomskem delu tako ugotavljam, katera država zveze držav BRIC je trenutno najbolj za petami ZDA kot vojaškemu hegemonu, in kaj pričakovati v naslednjih nekaj letih.

Keywords:BRIC, analiza, primerjava, obrambne politike.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103267 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35903581 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the defense policies of the BRIC countries
Society in today's world is rapidly changing, which is one of the reasons for creating the association of BRIC countries. They are linked into the association becouse of economy indicators, esspecialy the indicator of economic growth. BRIC countries have the potencial for crating the so called “new world order” in which we would not live under the hegemony of the US. As I mentioned before, the BRIC countries arised because of the economy indicators, but geographical indicators, such as the size of a country and number of population, are important too. Good economy of a country is the key to its successful defense policy, since the latter is very depended on the former. Therefore, in this diploma thesis I focused on analysing the three selected – in my opinion the most suitable – defense indicators, which can best illustrate the overall picture of millitary power, and than compered them between BRIC countries. In conclusion of this diploma thesis I am finding out which BRIC country is currently the second (to the US) military superpower, and what is to be expected troughtout the next few years.

Keywords:BRIC, analysis, comparison, defense policies.

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