
Trendi razvoja rezultatov teka na 400 m za moške in ženske na zadnjih štirih olimpijskih igrah : diplomsko delo
ID Janežič, Lara (Author), ID Čoh, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je primerjati finalne teke na 400 m med moškimi in ženskami na vseh olimpijskih igrah v obdobju 2004–2016. Zanimala nas je telesna višina in starost tekmovalcev in tekmovalk, polt, narodnost, reakcijski čas in nenazadnje tudi končni rezultat. V statistično obdelavo smo zajeli vse atlete in atletinje finalnih tekov iz olimpijskih iger v letih 2004, 2008, 2012 in 2016. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov je bilo ugotovljeno, da se tek na 400 m razvija in rezultati, predvsem v moški konkurenci, postajajo iz leta v leto boljši. Ženske v obdobju zadnjih 12 let v povprečju v končnem rezultatu niso tako izrazito napredovale kot moški. Vsi tekmovalci pa so izboljšali reakcijski čas pri samem startu. Pojasnjene so značilnosti finalnega teka iz vsakega obdobja posebej, tako za atlete kot za atletinje. Opisano je, kako telesna višina tekmovalcev vpliva na dolžino koraka in samo tehniko teka. Ugotovljena je bila optimalna starost tekmovalcev in tekmovalk za doseganje vrhunskih rezultatov in trajanje obdobja, v katerem tekmovalci lahko ohranijo najvišjo učinkovitost. Pri primerjavi barve kože tekmovalcev smo ugotovili, da pri ženskah v finalnih tekih nastopa nekaj več belopoltih tekmovalk kot v moški konkurenci. Delež temnopoltih tekmovalcev z leti finalnih nastopov narašča. V tej disciplini največji delež tekmovalcev in tekmovalk prihaja iz ZDA.

Keywords:atletika, 400 m, olimpijske igre, primerjava, finalni tek, moški, ženske
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103214 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5395889 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Development trends of 400 m run, men-women on last 4 olympic games
The purpose of this diploma is to compare the final 400m runs between men and women, in the period of 2004 – 2016 Olympic games. We were studying body height and age of male and female contestants, their complexion, nationality, reaction times and finally their best times. All male and female athletes of the final runs on Olympic Games in 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 were included in the statistical analysis. Based on results obtained, we found out that the 400m run is evolving and that results, especially in male competition, are getting better each year. In the period of last 12 years, female contestants on average, did not progress as distinctively at their best times as male contestants did. However, all athletes improved their start reaction times. We explained the characteristics of the final runs from each Olympic games, for men and women. We described how body height of the competitors affects the length of the step and their running technique. We determined the optimal age of competitors for achieving top results, and the length of the period in which they can maintain maximum efficiency. When it comes to complexion of the contestants, we found out that there are more white female athletes than men, and that the number of dark-colored athletes is rising over the years of competition. In the 400m run discipline, the biggest part of male and female contestants comes from the USA.

Keywords:athletics, 400 m, Olympic games, comparsion, final run, men, women

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