
Ocena vpliva megle na kakovost relativne določitve položaja z GNSS : diplomska naloga
ID Šinkovec, Anja (Author), ID Pavlovčič Prešeren, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na kakovost določitve položaja točke z GNSS vpliva več dejavnikov. Eden od njih je troposferska refrakcija, ki predstavlja zakasnitev signala GNSS v troposferi. Za odstranitev vpliva so do sedaj razvili številne modele troposferske refrakcije, v katerih je glavni problem modeliranje vsebnosti vodne pare v ozračju, saj se ta nenehno časovno in prostorsko spreminja. V najnižji plasti troposfere se vodna para lahko kondenzira v meglo. Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, ali ta meteorološki pojav znatno vpliva na kakovost relativne določitve položaja z GNSS. S tem namenom smo v programu Leica Infinity obdelali 10-dnevna opazovanja GNSS s treh stalno delujočih postaj, ki se nahajajo v Ljubljanski kotlini, kjer se megla pogosto pojavlja. Končni rezultat so bile koordinate dveh novih točk, ki smo jih določili z metodo radialne izmere. Vpliv megle smo ocenili na osnovi primerjave izračunanih koordinatnih razlik za posamezno točko. Rezultati kažejo, da prisotnost megle bistveno ne vpliva na kakovost relativno določenega položaja z GNSS.

Keywords:megla, troposferska refrakcija, relativna določitev položaja, koordinatne razlike
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[A. Šinkovec]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103210 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8531297 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of the effect of fog on GNSS relative positioning quality : graduation thesis
The quality of determining the point position with GNSS is influenced by several factors; one of them is a tropospheric refraction, which represents the delay of the GNSS signal in the troposphere. To remove the influence, a number of tropospheric refractive models have been developed. Their main problem is modeling the content of the water vapor in the atmosphere, since it changes constantly in time and space. In the lowest layer of the troposphere, water vapor can condense into the fog. The aim of the graduation thesis is to determine whether this meteorological phenomenon significantly affects the quality of the relative positioning with GNSS. For this purpose, we analyzed 10-day observations of GNSS from three constantly operating stations located in the Ljubljana basin, where fog often occurs, using the Leica Infinity program. The final result was the coordinates of two new points, which were determined by the radial processing. The influence of the fog was estimated basing on the comparison of the calculated coordinate differences for each point. The results show that the fog presence does not significantly affect the quality of the relative positioning with GNSS.

Keywords:fog, tropospheric refraction, relative positioning, coordinate differences

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