
Odnos dijakov do seciranja v šoli
ID Križ, Gregor (Author), ID Tomažič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kljub svoji kontroverzni naravi seciranje ostaja ena izmed najbolj uporabljenih metod za pridobivanje znanja o notranji zgradbi živali. Po mnenju nekaterih seciranje v šolah vzbuja etične zadržke, pri mnogo dijakih pa tudi negativna čustva kot sta gnus in strah, kar številni učitelji rešujejo z uporabo alternativnih metod seciranja. V okviru te magistrske naloge je bil izveden pouk seciranja ribe kalifornijske postrvi (Oncorhynchus mykiss) na eni izmed srednjih šol. Pred poukom in po pouku je bila izvedena anketa, s katero smo ugotavljali vpliv spola in preteklih izkušenj s seciranjem in kolinami na izražanje situacijskega in osebnega interesa, oblikovanje moralnih zadržkov ter izražanje negativnih čustev. S pomočjo standardnega vprašalnika QADS (questionnaire for the assessment of disgust sensitivity) smo ovrednotili tudi posameznikovo občutljivost gnusa. Rezultati kažejo, da so dijaki bolj naklonjeni dejanski sekciji kot alternativnim metodam sekcije. Spol ima pomembno vlogo pri izražanju negativnih čustev, pri čemer dekleta izražajo višji nivo gnusa in strahu kot fantje. Predhodne izkušnje s seciranjem v šoli prav tako znižujejo nivo izražanja negativnih čustev ter zvišujejo osebni in situacijski interes, medtem ko izkušnje s kolinami nimajo bistvenega vpliva na odnos dijakov do seciranja. Občutljivost gnusa se je prav tako izkazala za pomemben faktor, ki vpliva na odnos dijakov; tisti, ki imajo bolj izraženo občutljivost gnusa, imajo več moralnih zadržkov in v večji meri izražajo negativna čustva, medtem ko dijaki, ki izražajo nižjo stopnjo občutljivosti gnusa, kažejo večje sprejemanje in izkazujejo večji interes.

Keywords:seciranje v šoli, čustva, gnus, občutljivost gnusa, IKT-D, QADS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103174 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4881231 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Students' attitude towards dissection in school
Despite its controversial nature, dissection remains a prevalent method of obtaining knowledge of the inner structures of animals. In the opinions of many, dissections are seen as being inherently fraught with ethical issues as well as eliciting feelings of fear and disgust in many students. However, many teachers get around these problems using alternative methods. This thesis examines a high school dissection of rainbow trout fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Questionnaires were distributed both before and after the dissection; variables of gender, as well as previous experience with dissection and home slaughtering were examined for the roles they played in the levels of student interest, moral opposition to dissection, and presence of negative emotions such as disgust. Furthermore, the QADS (questionnaire for the assessment of disgust sensitivity) was used to conduct additional measures on disgust sensitivity. Results indicated that high school students were more fond of traditional dissections rather than alternative methods. Gender played an important role in the expression of negative emotions, with female students expressing higher levels of disgust and fear. It was also determined that previous experience with dissections at school were associated with lower levels of expression of negative emotions as well as serving to increase both personal and situational interest. Experiences with home slaughter were not found to have significant influence on student attitudes towards dissection. Disgust sensitivity also was a major factor influencing student attitudes; those with a higher disgust sensitivity score tended to have more moral qualms with dissections and were more likely to express disgust and fear, while those with lower scores held more positive attitudes towards dissections and expressed higher levels of situational interest.

Keywords:dissection in school, emotions, disgust, disgust sensitivity, IKT-D, QADS

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