
Obogatitev bivalnih razmer in vpliv igralnih pripomočkov na vedenje gepardov v Živalskem vrtu Ljubljana
ID Krdžalić, Asim (Author), ID Glavan, Gordana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z našimi opazovanji smo želeli preveriti, kako geparda izrabljata dane prostore v povezavi z ekološkimi parametri ter kako različne kombinacije obogatitvenih predmetov vplivajo na njuna vedenja. Izrabo prostora smo opazovali skozi vse letne čase in potrdili hipotezo, da se najmanj zadržujeta v bolj vlažnih predelih zunanje ograde (Sven 30 %, Svea 0 %) ter da je ribnik neizrabljen prostor (0 %). Največ sta se zadrževala v osrednjem delu zunanje ograde z veliko sence in stran od obiskovalcev: Sven (56,7 %) in Svea (80 %). Vedenjske vzorce gepardov smo snemali 5 tednov, od tega so 3 vsebovali različne kombinacije obogatitvenih predmetov. Vsak teden smo 1., 2. in 6. dan 3 krat po približno pol ure snemali obe živali, . Hipotezo, ki pravi, da bodo novi obogatitveni predmeti sprožili več aktivnih vedenj, kjer nismo upoštevali interakcij s temi predmeti, smo tako delno potrdili pri Svei v 5. tednu, ko sta v ogradi bili prisotni dve Jolly žogi z origanom, ena na tleh, druga na viseči verigi. Slednji sta tudi najbolj povečali delež trajanj aktivnih vedenj pri Svenu (za 12,56 %) in Svei (za 14,29 %). Delež trajanj socialnih vedenj se je pri obeh povečal za 5,53 % med 4. tednom opazovanja, ko so bili v ogradi lubenica, 2 para velikih kartonskih škatel z in brez čilija in cimeta ter krvavi ledenki, predvsem zaradi skupnega tekanja do obogatitvenih predmetov, ovohavanja le-teh ter opazovanja drug drugega med interakcijo z njimi. Sven je imel največ interakcij s kombinacijo obogatitve: lubenica, kartonski škatli ter začimbe, Svea pa z Jolly žogama z origanom. Ugotovili smo, da je dominantni osebek samica Svea.

Keywords:gepardi, živalski vrt, vedenje, obogatitveni predmeti, izraba prostora
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103112 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4928079 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Enhancement of living conditions and the effect of enrichment on behaviour of cheetahs in Zoo Ljubljana
With our observations, we wanted to verify how two cheetahs use available space in relation to the ecological parameters and how different combinations of enrichment objects influence their behaviour. We’d observed their use of space throughout the seasons and confirmed the hypothesis that they spend the least amount of time in more wet areas of the outer enclosure (Sven 30 %, Svea 0 %) and that the pond is an unused space (0 %). Most of the time they stayed in the central part of the outer enclosure where there’s a lot of shade and is away from the visitors: Sven (56,7 %) and Svea (80 %). Behavioural patterns of cheetahs were recorded for 5 weeks, 3 of which included various combinations of enrichment objects. Every week, on the 1st, 2nd and 6th day, we made 3 about half an hour long recordings per day for both individuals. The hypothesis, which says that new enrichment objects will trigger more active behaviours, where we did not take into account interactions with these objects, was partly confirmed with Svea in week 5, when there were two Jolly balls with oregano in the enclosure, one on the floor, the other one hanging from a chain. The latter also increased the percentage of duration of active behaviours with Sven (by 12,56 %) and Svea (by 14,29 %). The percentage of the duration of social behaviours increased by 5,53 % in both individuals during week 4 of observation, when a watermelon, 2 pairs of large cardboard boxes with and without chilli and cinnamon, and bloodsickles were introduced, mainly due to a joint running towards enrichment objects, joint smelling of objects, and watching each other interact with said objects. Sven had the most interactions with a combination of enrichment that included: a watermelon, cardboard boxes and spices, and Svea with Jolly balls with oregano. We have determined that the dominant specimen is the female Svea.

Keywords:cheetahs, zoo, behaviour, enrichment, use of space

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