
Znanost in totalitarne družbe: primer razvoja znanosti na Kitajskem
ID Tramšek, Rok Ernest (Author), ID Mali, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kitajska je v zadnjih desetletjih močno zmanjšala zaostanek za Zahodom na mnogih področjih. Vzporedno z naglim gospodarskim razvojem se na Kitajskem prav tako hitro razvija znanost. Spodbujanje znanosti s strani države se odraža v strukturnih spremembah in velikih vlaganjih v raziskovalno dejavnost, kar nakazuje, da je znanstveno-tehnološki napredek ena izmed ključnih prioritet. Kitajskim znanstvenikom je v zadnjem obdobju uspelo nanizati nekaj odmevnih uspehov na različnih področjih, od raziskovanja vesolja do genetskega inženiringa. Vse to terja premislek o vlogi Kitajske znotraj znanstvene skupnosti in o razmerju med Kitajsko in Zahodom na področju znanosti. Avtor se v diplomski nalogi osredotoča na družbena, politična in kulturna ozadja razvoja znanosti v sodobni Kitajski. Raziskani so tako vzroki za prvotno odsotnost pojava moderne znanosti na Kitajskem kot tudi družbene spremembe, ki so naposled pripeljale do hitrega in sistematičnega manjšanja tega zaostanka. Najprej je večja pozornost namenjena konfucianizmu z njegovo specifično etiko. Izpostavljeni so elementi, ki so imeli vpliv na ustvarjanje ugodnih razmer za razvoj znanstvenega mišljenja. Večji del naloge zajema obdobje po letu 1949. Avtor podrobneje preveri tudi strukturo kitajskega znanstvenega in izobraževalnega sistema in dosežke kitajske znanosti na različnih področjih, pri čemer je pozoren tudi na ideološka ozadja. Skozi analizo pride do ugotovitve, da kitajska znanost, čeprav soočena s številnimi težavami, ni zgolj imitacijske narave, temveč predstavlja resno konkurenco znanosti na Zahodu.

Keywords:Kitajska, razvoj znanosti, družba, konfucianizem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103105 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35914333 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Science and totalitarian societies: The case of scientific development in China
In the last decades the gap between between China and the West has been significantly reduced in many areas. With economic growth, China has seen rapid advancement in scientific development. The state's encouragement of science is showcased by structural changes and founding indicating that progress in science and technology is of major importance. In recent years Chinese scientists have achieved significant success in various fields, from space exploration to genetic engineering. This calls for reconsideration of China's role within the science community and its relation with the West. The author focuses on social, political and cultural backgrounds of scientific progress in modern China. Causes behind the initial absence of the modern science in China as well as the social changes that have later led to a fast and systematic advancement in science are analised. Attention is given to Confucianism with its specific ethical system. Focus is on elements that had an influence on creating circumstances for the rise of scientific thinking. Major part of the text focuses on development after 1949. Examined are the structure of science and education system and the achievements of Chinese science since then. Ideological background is also explored. Through research, the author concludes that while science in China is faced with various problems, the notion that it is merely imitative is false as China represents a serious competitor to Western countries in the field of science.

Keywords:China, scientific development, society, Confucianism

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