Integration of mentally handicapped adults into library, can be a demanding task, that requires a lot of patience. Adults with disabilities have specific needs regarding library resources. If libraries want to provide appropriate services, they must know what the characteristics of developmentally delayed adults are, what are their library-information needs and what kind of library materials are appropriate for them. Librarians must also know, how to organize special library collection for this group of library users. The autor wanted to know, what do they offer in Kosovelova knjižnica Sežana for mentally handicapped adults. In 2017 an interview was conducted wit librarian Tanja Bratina Grmek, who, in Sežana's library, deals with this group of users. The author founded out, that they offer Magajna reading badge, but they don't have any materials intended specially for developmentally delayed adults. Library material used for the reading badge comes from the children's or adult's department. They don't purchase special adjusted materials, which can help mentally handicapped adults read. They usually need resources, which offer easier reading (but not easier understanding) or easier reading and easier understanding. Furthemore, the material must have appropriate content, appropriate level of language difficulty and appropriate ilustrations. Easy to read materials can also be suitable for readers with dyslexia, people with learning difficulties, immigrants and others. For this very reason, libraries should consider buying easy to read materials, which can be suitable for expanded amount of library users.