
Kadrovska strategija in razvoj zaposlenih v Porsche Slovenija d.o.o.
ID Dražetić, Klara (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na kadrovsko strategijo in razvoj zaposlenih v podjetju Porsche Slovenija. Kadrovska strategija predstavlja osnovo dela z ljudmi. Vedno več podjetij se zaveda, da je konkurenčnost določenih gospodarskih družb odvisna od učinkovitosti zaposlenih. Vsaka strategija pa mora sovpadati z organizacijskimi cilji in vizijo podjetja. Ne obstaja najboljša strategija. Organizacija naj bi stremela k temu, da ima nadarjene in sposobne osebe, ki vedo, kako upravljati z zaposlenimi in kako obdržati najbolj primerne. Metode upravljanja s kadri pa se razlikujejo od podjetja do podjetja. Pomembno je upoštevati organizacijsko klimo, ki lahko vpliva na organizacijo in njene zaposlene. Prav tako je pomembna motivacija zaposlenih v določenem podjetju. Ta je lahko notranja ali notranja. Zunanja motivacija pa je lahko tako finančna kot nefinančna. Ukvarjanje s kadri poleg navedenega predstavlja tudi razvoj zaposlenih. Mednje spada izobraževanje, urjenje, mentorstvo ipd. V podjetju Porsche Slovenija nas je zanimalo, kakšne strategije uporabljajo za razvoj zaposlenih, na kakšen način motivirajo svoje zaposlene in v kolikšni meri se poslužujejo kadrovske strategije. Omenjeno podjetje je znano tudi po svojih humanitarnih dejavnostih po Sloveniji in je poznano med študenti kot dober in uspešen delodajalec.

Keywords:Porsche Slovenija, kadrovska strategija, motivacija, razvoj zaposlenih.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103005 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35902557 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Human resource strategy and employees’ development at Porsche Slovenia Ltd.
The thesis focuses on human resource strategy and employees' development in the company Porsche Slovenia. Human resource strategy represents the basis of working with people. More and more companies are aware that competitiveness of certain companies depends on the employees' efficiency. Each strategy has to coincide with organizational goals and the vision of a company. There is no such thing as the best strategy. A company should strive to have talented and capable people who know how to manage employees and how to keep the most suitable ones. Human resource management methods vary from company to company. It is important to take into account the organizational climate which can affect the organization and its employees. Motivation of the employees is a company is also an important factor. This can be internal or external. External motivation can be financial or non-financial. Human resource management also represents the development of employees, which includes education, training, mentoring, etc. One of the goals of the study was to find out which strategies does the company Porsche Slovenia use for employees' development, how does it motivate employees and how much do they use the personnel strategy. The company is also known for its humanitarian activities all over Slovenia and is known among students as a good and successful employer.

Keywords:Porsche Slovenia, human resource strategy, motivation, employees' development.

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