
Naprava za kalibracijo kamer za merjenje razdalje z metodo laserske triangulacije
ID BANOVEC, DEJAN (Author), ID Lipovšek, Benjamin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema diplomske naloge je osredotočena na opis postopka izdelave naprave in njenega računalniškega programa za kalibracijo kamere za merjenje razdalje z metodo laserske triangulacije, ki jo izdeluje podjetje Optomotive d.o.o. V začetku diplomske naloge smo opisali možne metode merjenja razdalje s pomočjo laserja, s poudarkom na laserski triangulaciji in njenimi glavnimi deli, ki so kamera, laserski generator in merjenec. Zaradi tega, ker ti deli niso specifično določeni, smo navedli več možnih primerov, ki jih lahko uporabimo pri kalibraciji. Hkrati smo opozorili na morebitne težave, ki se z izbiro delov pojavljajo, in rešitve, s katerimi taiste odpravimo ali jih vsaj ublažimo. Nadaljevali smo s podrobnim opisom kamere, za katero se naprava za kalibriranje izdeluje, in s samo napravo za kalibriranje. Naprava je opisana v dveh korakih. V prvem koraku opisujemo njeno izdelavo, v kateri opisujemo, zakaj smo se odločili za elemente, iz katerih je sestavljena. Drugi korak zajema meritve izdelane naprave in kalibracijskega elementa ter test krmilnega vezja naprave za kalibriranje. V nadaljevanju diplomske naloge se fokus premakne na izdelavo računalniškega programa, ki izvaja kalibracijo. V tem delu smo podrobno opisali postopke kalibriranja ter uporabljene matematične in računalniške funkcije. V zaključku pričujočega dela smo opisali še test kalibracije, v katerem smo testirali kalibrirano kamero. Prav tako smo predstavili še možno nadgradnjo naprave za kalibriranje v napravo za 3D skeniranje ter vse ostale možne popravke, na katere smo tekom izdelave naleteli.

Keywords:kalibracija, laserska triangulacija, metoda merjenja z lasersko triangulacijo, naprava za kalibriranje, kamera za merjenje razdalje z metodo laserske triangulacije.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102976 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2018
BANOVEC, DEJAN, 2018, Naprava za kalibracijo kamer za merjenje razdalje z metodo laserske triangulacije [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Calibration device for distance measuring cameras based on laser triangulation
The main theme of our thesis is the description of making a device for calibration and its computer program, for calibrating the distance measuring camera, with laser triangulation method, made by Optomotive LLC. At the beginning of our thesis, we have outlined some possible methods, that measures the distance with help of laser. Our focus was on the laser triangulation system and its main parts, which are camera, laser generator and measuring material. Thus this parts are not specifically defined, we had indicated several examples, that could be used in the calibration. Therefore we pointed out some of the problems that may occur and the solutions, by which we eliminate or at least minimise the problems, that appear due to our choice of parts. In the following section we continued with the camera description, for which the calibration device is made for and the calibration device, that is described in two steps. Firstly we had described the device and explained our choices of elements, from which the device is made of. Secondly, we have explained measurements of the calibration device, the calibration element and control circuit test of the calibration device. Then our focus have shifted to making the computer program that implements the calibration. At this point we have described in detail the processes of the calibration and all the mathematical and computer functions that we have used. In conclusion of our thesis, we have described a calibration test, within a calibrated camera was tested. We have also pointed out a possible upgrade of the calibration device, which changes the calibration device to the 3D scanner. Finally, we represented several other achievable upgrades, that during the process of the device making, came to our minds. All of the upgrades together, would significantly improve the calibration device.

Keywords:calibration, laser triangulation, laser triangulation measurement method, the device for calibration, distance measuring camera with laser triangulation method.

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