
Sistem za določanje pozicije igralca v tenisu
ID SCHÖFFMANN, LUTZ (Author), ID Umek, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V uvodu diplomskega dela je predstavljena tehnologija namenjena športnemu treniranju in možnosti njene implementacije pri športnikih. Najprej so izpostavljene komercialne rešitve za športe na splošno, kasneje pa ozko specializirane rešitve pri tenisu. Zaradi ugotovitve, da na trgu manjka cenovno dosegljivih in uporabnih rešitev pri tenisu, v nadaljevanju diplomskega dela sledi predstavitev izdelave sistema za določanje pozicije igralca pri tenisu. Ta je sestavljen iz sistema Localino, ki je zasnovan na radijski tehnologiji UWB in cenenega, miniaturnega in širokodostopnega senzorja gibanja IMU, ki spada v družino mikro elektronskih mehanskih sistemov MEMS. Poseben poudarek je posvečen opisu UWB tehnologije in prednostim njene splošne uporabe in konkretno za primer pozicioniranja. Razlaga se dotakne tudi različnih tehnik za potrebe pozicioniranja in opisa vseh strojnih komponent uporabljenih v sistemu za določanje pozicije igralca pri tenisu. Sledi opis delovanja namenske aplikacije za določanje pozicije igralca pri tenisu, ki izvaja sinhroni zajem in analizo signalov v realnem času. Programsko kodo sestavlja množica funkcionalno opredeljenih blokov, ki so pisani v programskem okolju LabVIEW. Delo je posvečeno tudi razlagi programske kode napisane v programske okolju Arduino IDE, ki se izvaja na več mikrokontrolerjih. V nadaljevanju sledi še opis postopkov testiranja izdelanega sistema za določanje pozicije teniškega igralca pri tenisu, najprej v laboratorijskem okolju in kasneje v realnem okolju - na teniškem igrišču. Natančnost izdelanega sistema je verificirana s sistemom kamer za optično sledenje Qualisys. V zaključku naloge so predstavljeni še rezultati analize pridobljenih podatkov pri testiranju z dodatnimi komentarji in predstavitvijo možnosti izboljšav sistema.

Keywords:Tenis, Localino, UWB, IMU, MEMS, Qualisys, LabVIEW, Arduino IDE
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102972 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2018
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Title:A system for player position determination in tennis
Technology of sports training and possibilities of its implementation with athletes is presented at the beginning of the diploma thesis. The introduction comprises commercial solutions for sports in general, specialized solutions for tennis follow. Based on findings which indicate lack of affordable and usable solutions in tennis, further focus in the thesis is made on the presentation of the process of creating a system for defining the position of a tennis player. This consists of the Localino system, which is based on the radio technology Ultra Wide Brand (UWB) and on the cost-effective, miniature and wide accessible motion sensor Inertial measurement unit (IMU), which belongs to the Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS). Special emphasis is placed on the description of the UWB technology and advantages of its usage in general and for the case of positioning. Different techniques of positioning and description of all mechanical components in the system for defining the position of a tennis player are also explained. The next chapter in the thesis focuses on the description of the application which performs synchronous capture and data analysis for defining a tennis player’s position in real time. The code consists of a set of functionally defined blocks written in the software environment LabVIEW. Explanation of the code written in the software environment Arduino IDE executed on more microcontrollers is also explained. The following part of the thesis comprises a description of processes of testing the created system for defining the tennis player’s position, firstly in laboratory and afterwards in real-life environment on the tennis court. Precision of this system is verified by Qualisys, a system of cameras for optical tracking. The conclusion includes results of the analysis of gained data at testing, which are accompanied by comments and recommendations for improving the system.

Keywords:Tennis, Localino, UWB, IMU, MEMS, Qualisys, LabVIEW, Arduino IDE

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