
Sodobna ulična fotografija in njena podoba na filmu
ID Strojan, Alja (Author), ID Starešinič, Marica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je opisati in raziskati sodobno ulično fotografijo, kakšne so smernice v njej, vprašanja, ki jih zastavlja, kako jo dojemamo danes in kako se ta izraža na fotografskem filmu. Avtorica se v teoretičnem delu najprej dotakne značilnosti klasične ulične fotografije. Nadaljuje z novostmi v sodobni ulični fotografiji, ki se izražajo skozi kompozicijo, sporočilo, motiv in izbiro fotografske opreme. Novitete podpre z deli najuspešnejših fotografov, ki delujejo v tej umetnosti. To so člani največjega fotografskega združenja Magnum Photos (Martin Parr, Richard Kalvar in Bruce Gilden), Gus Powell in Maciej Dakowicz (člana združenja In-Public) ter Michael Wolf kot samostojni umetnik. Nadaljuje z raziskovanjem analogne fotografije ter opisuje kako deluje fotografski film. Našteva novosti na področju analogne fotografije in razloži, zakaj je ta ponovno zaživela med mladimi. V eksperimentalnem delu opisuje testiranje treh različnih barvnih negativnih 35 milimetrskih fotografskih filmov. Na podlagi testov se odloči za film, ki je najbolj ustrezen za fotografiranje sodobne ulične fotografije. Tretji del magistrskega dela vsebuje 15 avtorskih fotografij posnetih na izbrani fotografski film v dveh različnih evropskih mestih. Avtorica se vživi v vlogo sodobnega uličnega fotografa in skuša ujeti najbolj zanimive trenutke urbanega vsakdana. Fotografije so podrobneje opisane z vsemi tehničnimi podatki, likovno analizirane in podprte s kompozicijskimi shemami. Magistrsko delo zaključi z dognanimi ugotovitvami in zaključki.

Keywords:ulična fotografija, sodobna ulična fotografija, prihodnost analogne fotografije, Martin Parr, Bruce Gilden
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102937 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2018
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Title:Contemporary Street Photography on a Photographic Film
The purpose of the thesis is to describe and explore contemporary street photography: what are its guidelines, which questions does it address, how we perceive it today and how it is expressed in a photographic film. In the theoretical part the author discusses the characteristics of the classical street photography. She continues with novelties in the contemporary street photography, expressed through composition, message, motif and choice of the photographic equipment. The author supports these novelties with the works of the most successful photographers. They are members of the largest photography association Magnum Photo (Martin Parr, Richard Kalvar and Bruce Gilden), Gus Powell and Maciej Dakowicz (members of In-Public) as well as Michael Wolf as an independent artist. In the following chapter she researches analogue photography and describes how a photographic film works. She lists the novelties of analogue photography and explains why it has once again fascinated the young generation. The analysis describes the examination of three different colour negatives of 35mm photographic films. Based on the results, the author then decides which film is best suited for the use in the contemporary street photography. The third part of the master's thesis contains 15 copyrighted photographs taken in two different European cities with the selected photographic film. The author embraced the role of a street photographer and tried to capture the most exciting moments of the urban everyday life. In addition, these photos are precisely described with the technical data; analysed in an artistic manner and supported with some illustrative sketches of the photos. Her findings and conclusions are summarized in the final chapter.

Keywords:street photography, modern street photography, future of analogue photography, Martin Parr, Bruce Gilden

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