
ID ŠMEJC, TJAŠA (Author), ID Pečarič, Mirko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali načine o varstvu osebnih podatkov znotraj ustanove Zdravstveni dom Litija. Ob tem smo v teoretičnem delu najprej gledali zakone in akte, ki se nanašajo na varovanje osebnih podatkov, pacientove pravice ter medicinsko dokumentacijo. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, ali v zdravstvu, zaradi uporabe računalniškega programa ISOZ21 prihaja do zlorabe osebnih podatkov. Poleg tega smo analizirali obstoječo zakonodajo, ki ureja področje o varovanju podatkov v zdravstvenih ustanovah ter se osredotočili na Zdravstveni dom Litija. Ugotovili smo, da se pacienti premalo zavedajo pomena varovanja osebnih podatkov in pravic, ki jim iz tega pripadajo, po drugi strani pa zdravstveni delavci kršitve, do katerih na omenjenem področju prihaja, ne počnejo zavestno, ampak so največkrat posledica ali neznaja ali preobremenjenosti na delovnem mestu. Tega se zavedajo tudi v ZD Litija in ravno zaradi tega za zaposlene pripravljajo izobraževanja iz omenjenega področja. Kljub temu je v preteklih letih bilo zabeleženih nekaj kršitev, vendar število ni bilo višje od povprečja ostalih ZD, v nekaterih letih denimo do kršitev ni prihajalo. Zaradi uporabe računalniškega programa ISOZ21 ne prihaja do večjega števila zlorab, zagotovo pa informatizacija tovrstnega dela od zaposlenih zahteva še več pozornosti pri obravnavi osebnih podatkov posameznika.

Keywords:pacientove pravice, zloraba pravic, medicinska dokumentacija, ISOZ21, ZD Litija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102874 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2018
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In our Thesis, we discussed ways to secure personal data inside the Litija Health Centre. Doing this, we first took a look at the laws and acts, that relate to the protection of personal information, patient’s rights and medical documentation. Our main goal was to find out, whether personal information is being abused in medicine due to the use of the computer programme ISOZ21. Along with this, we analysed the current legislation, that regulates the safety of information in medicine as well as focused much on the Litija Health Centre. We concluded, that patients are not well informed about the importance of protection of personal data and it’s belonging rights, on the other hand, the medical staff that do felonies, which are related to the topic, are not aware of their faults rather, they are a consequence of either a lack of knowledge or over encumbrance in the work place. The people in charge of the Litija Health Centre are perfectly aware of this and therefore try to educate regarding this topic. Regardless, in the past years there have been a few documented cases of felonies, but the number was not particularly higher than in most other Health Centres and in some years there were no felonies whatsoever. There doesn’t seem to be any more abuse of information due to the use of the computer programme ISOZ21, but the security and use of personal data requires even more attention and care form those employed.

Keywords:patient’s rights, abuse of rights, medical documentation, ISOZ21, Litija Health Centre

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