
Razžalitve v slovenskih medijih: primeri iz slovenske sodne prakse po letu 2002
ID Kozina, Kristjan (Author), ID Kalin Golob, Monika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rajgelj, Barbara (Comentor)

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Pri razžalitvah, storjenih v medijih, lahko v prvi vrsti govorimo o koliziji med svobodo izražanja in pravico do časti in dobrega imena. Svoboda izražanja je ena najpomembnejših človekovih pravic. V skladu s slovensko zakonodajo ne moremo govoriti o protipravnem dejanju razžalitve, če se dokaže, da ravnanje ni bilo storjeno z namenom zaničevanja. V magistrskem delu izpostavljamo distinkcijo med pravnim in jezikoslovnim pogledom na problematiko razžalitev, zlasti glede namena zaničevanja. Leta 2002 je bila narejena zadnja raziskava s področja jezikoslovja o problematiki razžalitev v slovenskem prostoru, zato je cilj magistrskega dela s pomočjo jezikovnostilne analize ugotoviti, kako se jezikovni vidik razžalitve kaže v izbranih sodnih primerih slovenskih sodišč v zadnjih petnajstih letih. V magistrskem delu izpostavljamo štiri predpostavke, ki so po našem mnenju pomembne pri ugotavljanju, ali je prišlo do protipravnega dejanja razžalitve. Te so: objektivna žaljivost, subjektivna žaljivost, subjektivni element (subjektivni odnos) in okoliščine primera. Na podlagi analiziranih primerov ugotavljamo, da slovenska sodišča dopuščajo posege v osebnostne pravice posameznika in da v tej koliziji pravic pogosto puščajo prednost svobodi izražanja ter da niso enotna pri ugotovitvi, kdaj je nekdo protipravno posegel v pravico drugega s tem, ko ga je razžalil. Strinjamo se z idejo o uvedbi izvedenca jezikovne stroke, ki bi pomagal sodišču pri ugotavljanju objektivne žaljivosti določenega (dela) besedila, saj smo ugotovili, da zlasti najvišja sodišča v državi včasih nepravilno presojajo nesporna jezikovna dejstva oz. ne upoštevajo nespornih dejstev slovenskega jezika.

Keywords:svoboda izražanja, razžalitve, jezikovnostilna analiza, stilistika, pravo.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102845 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35785053 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Libel committed in Slovenian media: court cases from Slovenian case law after year 2002
In libel committed in the media, we are talking about the conflict between freedom of expression and right to honour and good name. Freedom of expression is one of the most important human rights. In accordance with Slovene legislation, we cannot talk about illegal act of libel, if proved that this conduct was not done with a purpose of contempt. In my Master's Thesis, we set out the distinction between juridical and linguistic view of libel, especially as the purpose of contempt. The last research in the field of linguistics related to the issue of libel on the territory of Slovenia was made in 2002, therefore, my goal in my Master's Thesis is to identify, with the help of linguistic-stylistic analysis, how the linguistic aspect of the libel indicates in selected court cases of Slovenian courts in the past fifteen years. In my Master's Thesis we set out four assumptions that we believe are important in determing whether a libel has been committed. The assumptions are the following: objective insult, subjective insult, subjective relation and the circumstances of the case. Based on the analysed cases we are finding out that the Slovenian courts tolerate interventions in personal rights of the individual and that they often leave the advantage to freedom of expression in this conflict of rights. However, they are not unified in order to determine when in the libel someone is unlawfully interfering in the right of another. We agree with the idea of the introduction of the linguistic expert, which would help the court in determining objective insult of a particular part of the text, as we find that the highest court in the country in particular sometimes incorrectly treat the indisputable linguistic facts or not take into account undisputed facts of the Slovenian language.

Keywords:freedom of expression, libel, linguistic-stylistic analysis, stylistics, law.

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