
Značilnosti trenažnega procesa mlajših kategorij v kolesarstvu : diplomsko delo
ID Kožar, Nika (Author), ID Rauter, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jurov, Iva (Comentor)

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Glavni namen diplomskega dela je bil na podlagi anketnega vprašalnika ugotoviti značilnosti trenažnega procesa mlajših kategorij v kolesarstvu. Zanimali so nas predvsem najpogosteje uporabljeni načini, metode in količina treninga ter najpogostejši način analize treninga. Poleg tega nas je v okviru spremljanja treninga zanimala tudi pogostost uporabe merilca srčnega utripa ter merilca moči. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 99 cestnih ter gorskih kolesarjev in kolesark treh različnih starostnih kategorij (mlajši mladinci, starejši mladinci, mlajši člani), ki so nosilci licenc Kolesarske zveze Slovenije. Zasnovani anketni vprašalnik so kolesarji izpolnili v sklopu preostalih meritev, ki jih opravljajo na Fakulteti za šport. Na podlagi rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da med starostnimi kategorijami obstajajo razlike v najpogostejšem načinu ter količini treninga. Ugotovitve namreč kažejo, da je trening v skupini najpogostejši način treninga v mlajših kategorijah, medtem ko kolesarji starejših kategorij najpogosteje trenirajo sami. Razlike v količini treninga so se pokazale v manjši tedenski in letni količini opravljenega treninga kolesarjev mlajših kategorij. Razlike v količini treninga so se pokazale tudi med spoloma. Dolgotrajne aerobne oblike treninga so se pokazale kot najpogosteje uporabljena metoda treninga, uporaba aplikacij pa kot najpogostejši način rednega spremljanja oziroma analize treninga. Ugotovili smo tudi, da med starostnimi kategorijami obstajajo razlike v pogostosti uporabe merilca srčnega utripa in merilca moči. Glede na ugotovitve je tako uporaba merilca srčnega utripa in merilca moči v starejših kategorijah pogostejša.

Keywords:kolesarstvo, starostne kategorije, trenažni proces, spremljanje treninga, analiza treninga.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102838 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5393329 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Training process characteristics of younger age groups in cycling
The main purpose of the thesis was to determine the training process characteristics of younger age groups in cycling based on a survey questionnaire. We were interested in studying the most frequently used approaches, methods and amount of training along with the most common form of training analysis. We also aimed to determine the frequency of heart rate monitor and power meter use in terms of monitoring of training. To this end, 99 road and mountain cyclists of different age groups (junior under 17, junior under 19, elite under 23), who are Slovenian Cycling Federation license-holders, took part in the survey. They responded to the designed survey questionnaire as part of other measurements taken at the Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana. Based on the results we found that there are some differences between the age groups with regard to the most common type and amount of training. The findings show that training in groups is the most common type of training in younger age groups, whereas older cyclists usually train alone. The differences in the amount of training were most notable when it comes to a weekly and yearly amount of training of younger cyclists, which was lower. We were also able to show a difference in the amount of training between the genders. Long term aerobic training methods have been identified as the most frequently used training method, while the use of applications proved to be the most frequent type of regular monitoring or training analysis. We found that there are some differences in the frequency of heart rate monitor and power meter use, which are more frequently used in older categories.

Keywords:cycling, age groups, training process, monitoring of training, training analysis

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