
Vpliv izbranih potencialno nevrotropnih gliv na humane nevroblaste
ID Lavrin, Teja (Author), ID Gunde Cimerman, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rogelj, Boris (Comentor)

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Večino nevrotropnih gliv uvrščamo v skupino črnih kvasovk iz družine Herpotrichiellaceae. Med pomembne oportuno patogene nevrotropne glive spada vrsta Exophiala dermatitidis, ki je sposobna rasti pri telesni temperaturi človeka, presnove hlapnih aromatskih ogljikovodikov in humanih nevrotransmiterjev. Presnova aromatov ji omogoča naselitev v umetnih in naravnih okoljih, okoljih s prisotnomi ogljikovodiki, kot so umetni materiali in okolja v povezavi z mravljami. Ogljikovodiki, ki so sestavni del nevrotransmiterjev v možganih, na kutikulah mravelj predstavljajo zaščito pred zunanjim okoljem in prepoznavanje med posameznimi gnezdi. Glivi E. dermatitidis (EXF-10123) in njej sorodna Phialophora americana (EXF-12206), osamljena iz gnezda mravelj, sta sposobni presnove nekaterih aromatskih ogljikovodikov ter rasti pri temperaturi 37 °C ali ob dodatku nevrotranmsiterjev. Interakcijo glive E. dermatitidis in P. americana s celičnim modelom nevroblastov SH-SY5Y smo vizualizirali z mikroskopijo SEM. Pri glivi E. dermatitidis smo to dodatno ovrednotili še s fluorescenčno konfokalno mikroskopijo. Prikazali smo vdor in citotoksični učinek gliv na celice SH-SY5Y. Poleg glivnih celic E. dermatitidis na celice SH-SY5Y vplivajo tudi glivni metaboliti v obliki ekstraktov in zunajceličnih veziklov. Možnost prenosa gliv preko nevronov in posledično okužba možganov bi lahko bil nov način mehanizma in potencialni vzrok za razvoj nevrodegenerativnih bolezni.

Keywords:nevrotropne glive, črne kvasovke, nevrotropizem, ogljikovodiki, mravlje, Alzheimerjeva bolezen, humani nevroblasti, SH-SY5Y
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Lavrin]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102822 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4941176 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of selected potentially neurotrophic fungi on human neuroblastoma cell lines
Most of the neurotrophic fungi are classified as black yeasts, family Herpotrichellaceae. One of the important opportunistic neurotrophic pathogens is Exophiala dermatitidis, which can grow at human body temperature, assimilate volatile aromatic hydrocarbons and also human neurotransmitters. Fungi which assimilate aromatics are capable to grow in artificial and natural environments, such as hydrocarbon-present synthetic/rubber materials and ant-associated habitats. Hydrocarbons are one of the components of neurotransmitters, but among ants, the cuticular profile of hydrocarbons serves for protection against external environmental effects and nest-invasion. E. dermatitidis (EXF-10123) and its related P. americana (EXF-12206), which was isolated from ant nest, were tested for all properties mentioned above. Both are capable of growth at 37 °C, assimilate tested hydrocarbons and neurotransmitters. The interaction of E. dermatitidis, as well as P. americana with a neuroblastoma cell model SH-SY5Y, was visualized by SEM microscopy, while E. dermatitidis was also evaluated with fluorescence confocal microscopy. The internalization of hyphae into neuroblasts was indicated and cytotoxic effect of the exposed SH-SY5Y cells with fungal metabolites – extracts and extracellular vesicles of E. dermatitidis was also found. The possibility of fungal transfer via neurons and to target cells with causing brain infection could represent a new mechanism and a potential for the development of neurodegenerative diseases.

Keywords:neurotrophic fungi, black yeasts, neurotrophism, hydrocarbons, ants, Alzheimer's disease, human neuroblastoma cells, SH-SY5Y

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