
Vpliv izvlečkov korenik japonskega in češkega dresnika na kalitev, rast ter strukturne in biokemijske značilnosti vrtne redkvice
ID Šoln, Katarina (Author), ID Dolenc Koce, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žnidaršič, Nada (Comentor)

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Japonski in češki dresnik sta invazivni tujerodni rastlinski vrsti, ki s svojo hitro rastjo, vegetativnim razmnoževanjem in alelopatijo zavirata rast sosednjih rastlin. Namen naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšen je vpliv izvlečkov iz njunih korenik na strukturne in biokemijske značilnosti kalic vrtne redkvice. S tankoplastno kromatografijo smo ugotovili, da imata izvlečka obeh dresnikov podobno sestavo. Pri redkvici, ki smo jo izpostavili vodnim izvlečkom s koncentracijami od 0,5 do 10 %, se delež kaljivosti ni zmanjšal. Po 7 dneh kalitve so bile najbolj prizadete korenine, medtem ko poganjki niso bili prizadeti. Korenine so bile kratke in široke, na kar sta vplivali predvsem spremenjena oblika in velikost celic skorje. V tretiranih rastlinah je bila spremenjena tudi zgradba koreninske čepice in apikalnega meristema. Biokemijski pokazatelji oksidativnega stresa (encimski in neencimski antioksidanti, lipidna peroksidacija) so se spremenili večinoma neznačilno. Barvanje z diaminobenzidinom je pokazalo povečano prisotnost vodikovega peroksida v tretiranih kalicah. S presevnim elektronskim mikroskopom smo analizirali ultrastrukturo koreninskih vršičkov. Izvlečka dresnikov sta najbolj vplivala na celice koreninske čepice, v katerih smo opazili odstop celične membrane od celične stene, krpata jedra z zgoščenim heterokromatinom, obročaste mitohondrije in razširjene cisterne granularnega endoplazemskega retikuluma z gosto vsebino. Nekatere celice so že odmrle, pri drugih je struktura kazala na programirano celično smrt. Meristemske celice so bile manj prizadete kot koreninska čepica, prisotnih je bilo več vakuol.

Keywords:alelopatija, dresnik, Fallopia, izvleček, kalitev, mikroskopija, rast, struktura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102816 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4822351 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of Japanese and Bohemian knotweed rhizome extracts on germination, growth, morphological and biochemical characteristics of radish
Japanese and Bohemian knotweed are invasive alien plants that are known to inhibit the growth of their neighbors with quick growth, vegetative reproduction, and allelopathy. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of their rhizome extracts on morphological and biochemical characteristics of radish seedlings. Biochemical analysis of extracts with the thin layer chromatography revealed similar composition for both knotweeds. The germination rate of radish seeds did not decrease after the exposure to aqueous extracts with concentration from 0,5% to 10%. After 7 days of germination, radish roots were the most inhibited, whereas shoots were not affected. Roots were short and thick due to change of shape and size of cortex cells. In treated plants, the structure of the root cap and the apical meristem were changed. Biochemical characteristics of oxidative stress (enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, lipid peroxidation) were changed but mainly nonsignificantly. Staining with diaminobenzidine showed the increased synthesis of hydrogen peroxide in roots. Root tip ultrastructure was analyzed with transmission electron microscope. Knotweed extracts had a strong effect on root cap cells: cell membrane detached from the cell wall, irregularly shaped nuclei with condensed heterochromatin, ring-shaped mitochondria and round granular endoplasmic reticulum with dense contents were observed. Some cells were dead, in others signs of programmed cell death appeared. Meristem cells were less damaged than root cap, more vacuoles were presented.

Keywords:allelopathy, knotweed, Fallopia, extract, germination, microscopy, growth, structure

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