
Izdelava tiskanega kataloga z vključitvijo obogatene resničnosti
ID Krivc, Lea (Author), ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil izdelati tiskani katalog z vključitvijo obogatene resničnosti za Športno kinološko društvo Krim. Tiskani katalog, ki vsebuje predstavitev vseh tečajev, ki jih ponujajo v osveženi in očem privlačni obliki, je odličen medij, s katerim lahko društvo pridobi nove člane. V tiskanem katalogu je vključena obogatena resničnost, izraz obogatena resničnost pa pomeni povezavo tehnologij, ki prikazujejo virtualne elemente v realnem prostoru in času. Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na teoretični in eksperimentalni del ter rezultate. V teoretičnemu delu smo podrobno opisali vse sestavne dele tiskanega kataloga in pojasnili njihov namen. Razložili smo tudi pojem obogatena resničnost. V eksperimentalnem delu smo na začetku navedli opremo, ki smo jo uporabili pri snemanju in fotografiranju materiala za tiskani katalog. Nato smo opisali izdelavo tiskanega kataloga in videov, ki so del obogatenih vsebin. V naslednjem poglavju smo opisali glavne sestavne dele tiskanega kataloga. Sestavne dele tiskanega kataloga in posamezne strani smo podrobno opisali ter utemeljili izbiro elementov iz katerih so sestavljene. Opisali smo tudi postopek implementacije videov v aplikacijo za prikaz obogatenih vsebin. Za postprodukcijo fotografij in videov ter izdelavo tiskanega kataloga, smo uporabili naslednje Adobove programe: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Indesign CS6 in Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Keywords:obogatena resničnost, grafično oblikovanje, tiskan katalog, video, fotografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102781 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Printed catalogue enhanced with augmented reality
The purpose of the diploma thesis was to create a printed catalogue with the inclusion of augmented reality for Canine sport club Krim. The printed catalogue, which contains the presentation of all the courses offered in a refreshed and eye-catching form, is an excellent way for Canine sport club Krim to acquire new members is an excellent medium for club to acquire new members. The printed catalogue includes augmented reality. Augmented reality is a term used for a combination of technologies that show virtual elements in real space and time. The diploma thesis is divided into theoretical, experimental part and the results. In theoretical work, we described the crucial steps in the production of a printed catalogue and presented the concept of augmented reality. We have described all the components of the catalogue in detail and explained their purpose. In the experimental work, we mentioned the equipment we used to record and photograph the material for the printed catalogue. In the next chapter we have described the production of printed catalogue and videos which are part of augmented content. We described the main components of the printed catalogue, such as colors, vector graphics, typography, etc. We also described the progress of uploading the videos to augmented reality application. In the results chapter, we described in detail the individual pages in the printed catalog and justified the choice of the elements from which they were drawn up. The videos that are implemented in the HP Reveal app are presented in the next chapter. For the post-production of photos and videos and the production of a printed catalogue, we used the following Adobe programs: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Indesign CS6 and Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Keywords:augmented reality, graphic design, printed catalogue, video, photography

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