
Novi mediji in opolnomočeni potrošnik?
ID Bartol, Jošt (Author), ID Jančič, Zlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oblak Črnič, Tanja (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo se ukvarjali z vprašanjem opolnomočenosti potrošnika v okolju novih medijev. Konkretno nas je zanimalo opolnomočenje v menjalnem odnosu med potrošniki in ponudniki spletnih vsebin. Osredotočili smo se na menjavo osebnih podatkov potrošnika za spletno storitev. Naša osnovna misel je bila, da potrošnik kot uporabnik spleta ni opolnomočen v izbranem menjalnem razmerju. Zaradi pomanjkanja literature, ki se usmerja konkretno na to menjavo, je cilj naloge spoznati se in razumeti osnovno dinamiko teh razmerij. V empiričnem delu se naloga usmerja v razumevanje percepcije in odnosa potrošnkov do menjave osebnih podatkov za spletno storitev. Slednje smo raziskali s kvalitativno metodo pol-strukturiranih intervjujev, v rezultatih pa smo z opisnim kodiranjem prepoznali šest tem, o katerih so govorili potrošniki, soočeni s to tematiko. Teme so: dostop do vsebin, prednosti in omejitve presonalizacije, neozaveščenost o zbiranju podatkov, skrb za varnost, nemoč uporabnika in nujnost zbiranja podatkov. Odgovori so tudi potrdili našo hipotezo, saj bi iz odgovorov težko trdili, da se potrošniki čutijo opolnomočene.

Keywords:Novi mediji, opolnomočenost, asimetrični odnosi, spletna analitika.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102773 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35808605 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2018
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Title:New media and empowered consumer?
In the thesis we engaged in the question of empowerment of the consumer in the new media environment. We were specifically interested in empowerment in the exchange relationship between consumers and web content provider. We focused on the exchange of personal data of the consumer for online service. Our basic thought was, that a consumer was not empowered as the user of the web in the chosen exchange setting. Due to the lack of literature on this specific topic our goal was to understand the basic dynamics of the exchange relationship . In the empirical part we focused on understanding the perception and views of consumers towards exchange of personal data for online services. We explored perceptions and views with the method of semi-structured interviews. The answers were coded by the method of descriptive coding. Through this we recognized six themes: access to content, advantages and limitations of personalization, low familiarity with the web analytics, care for safety, lack of user power, and the necessity of web analytics. Answers also showed that we could hardly speak of consumer empowerment in respect to web analytics.

Keywords:New media, empowerment, asymmetrical relationships, web analytics.

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