
Pozicioniranje v zaprtih prostorih z uporabo BLE tehnologije
ID KANDUTI, ROK (Author), ID Bajec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je bil izdelati sistem za pozicioniranje naprav v zaprtih prostorih. Večina že obstoječih sistemov deluje tako, da naprava, ki se ji določa lokacijo, posluša statične žolne v prostoru in si nato sama določi svojo pozicijo glede na prejete moči signalov. Sistem, ki sem ga implementiral, deluje na drugačen način. Problem rešuje s pomočjo statičnih sprejemnikov, ki poslušajo naprave v njihovi bližini, katerim določamo pozicijo. V prvem delu naloge so predstavljeni raziskava področja in možni pristopi k reševanju problema, v drugem delu pa sta opisani zasnova in arhitektura implementirane rešitve. Na koncu je predstavljeno delovanje sistema v realnem svetu. Rešitev je primerna za uporabo na področju sledenja sredstev, pri nadzoru gibanja oseb in pri razvoju pametnih hiš.

Keywords:pozicioniranje, zaprti prostori, BLE
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102761 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2018
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Title:Indoor positioning using BLE technology
The goal of the thesis was to create an indoor positioning system. Most of the current solutions are based on a device, which listens for nearby beacons with static positions. The device then tries to calculate its own position based on received signal strengths. I took a different approach to solve the problem. It works with multiple static listeners which transmit received signal strengths of nearby devices to central hub. Central hub then aggregates the data and tries to calculate the position of the device. First part of the thesis introduces the field of usage of such systems, while the second one describes the design and architecture of the system. Last part presents the results of its performance in the real world.

Keywords:indoor positioning, BLE

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