
Platforma za vodenje mehatronskih naprav na osnovi bločno-verižnih tehnologij
ID Rožman, Nejc (Author), ID Diaci, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo predstavlja razvoj računalniške platforme, ki služi kot temelj razvoja aplikacij za vodenje mehatronskih naprav s sledljivostjo opravljenih transakcij, ki jo omogočajo bločno-verižne tehnologije. Osrednji element platforme je pametna pogodba omrežja Ethereum, napisana v programskem jeziku Solidity. Okoli pametne pogodbe sta zgrajena uporabniški vmesnik, ki ima strežnik postavljen v okolju Node.js, ter krmilnik mehatronske naprave, ki omogoča dostop do enega izmed vozlišč omrežja Ethereum. Glavne funkcije, ki jih omogoča platforma so: možnost dodajanja mehatronske naprave in njenih lastnosti v obliki objekta pametne pogodbe, upravljanje mehatronske naprave preko vmesnika s pomočjo funkcij pametne pogodbe ter možnost rezervacije storitve posamezne mehatronske naprave. Časovna konstanta za klic funkcije na platformi je približno 44 sekund. Na podlagi razvite platforme smo razvili aplikacijo, ki služi kot sistem za upravljanje parkirišč. V njem smo uporabili komercialno parkirno zapornico, za katero smo namensko razvili krmilnik na osnovi mikroračunalnika Raspberry Pi. Delovanje posameznih funkcij in celotne aplikacije smo eksperimentalno preverili. Preučili smo tudi varnostne vidike razvitega vodenja naprave in ugotovili, da sta glavni potencialni šibkosti naše aplikacije v strojni opremi izbrane zapornice ter v malomarnosti oz. neosveščenosti uporabnikov.

Keywords:decentralizirana aplikacija, bločno-verižna tehnologija, pametna pogodba, Ethereum omrežje, sistem za upravljanje parkirišč
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher:[N. Rožman]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102742 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16426523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2018
ROŽMAN, Nejc, 2018, Platforma za vodenje mehatronskih naprav na osnovi bločno-verižnih tehnologij [online]. Master’s thesis. N. Rožman. [Accessed 21 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Control platform for mechatronic devices based on blockchain technology
In this master's thesis we present the development of a computer platform that serves as the basis for the development of applications for the management of mechatronic devices with the traceability of transactions performed by blockchain technologies. The core element of the platform is the smart contract on the Ethereum network, written in the Solidity programming language. Around the smart contract, we built the user interface with the server, written in the Node.js environment, as well as a controller of mechatronic device which provides access to one of the Ethereum nodes. The main functions of the platform are: the possibility of adding a mechatronic device and its properties in the form of a structure in smart contract, managing a mechatronic device via an interface through the functions of a smart contract and the possibility of booking a particular mechatronic device service. The time constant of the function execution on the platform is approximately 44 seconds. Based on the developed platform, we developed an application that serves as a parking management system. In it, we used a commercial parking bollard, for which we developed a controller based on the microcomputer Raspberry Pi. The operation of individual functions and the entire application was experimentally verified. We also examined the safety aspects of the system and found that the main potential weaknesses of our application are in the hardware of the selected parking bollard and in user's lack of knowledge of the new technology.

Keywords:decentralized application, blockchain, smart contract, Ethereum, parking management system

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