
Dolžnost preživljanja otrok
ID Ristić, Urška (Author), ID Novak, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Starši imajo v razmerju do otrok celo paleto pravic in dolžnosti. Ena izmed najpomembnejših dolžnosti staršev je preživljanje otrok, s čimer naj bi zagotovili uspešen telesni in duševni razvoj otroka. Institut preživnine je eden izmed temeljnih stebrov družinskega prava, ki temelji na enem izmed osnovnih načel družinskega prava, načelu solidarnosti oziroma vzajemne pomoči med družinskimi člani. Po zakonu preživninska dolžnost ne zavezuje le starše, ampak ta deluje vzajemno, tudi otroci so dolžni, ob določenih pogojih, preživljati svoje starše. V svojem delu sem se poglobila v pravno ureditev instituta preživnine v slovenski zakonodaji in na kratko pregledala tudi ureditve nekaterih evropskih držav. Preživljanje otrok, ki po navadi poteka znotraj družinske enote, je nekaj samoumevnega. Težave se pokažejo šele ob razpadu življenjske skupnosti staršev otroka. Zato je moje magistrsko delo namenjeno predstavitvi slovenske pravne ureditve preživnin s pregledom sodne prakse, ki le – to pomembno dopolnjuje. Predstavila sem tudi možnosti, ki jih ima preživninski upravičenec, kadar pride do neizpolnjevanja obveznosti s strani preživninskega zavezanca.

Keywords:preživljanje otrok, preživnina, preživninski upravičenec, preživninski zavezanec, redno šolanje, preživninski sklad
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102708 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16314961 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Child maintenance obligationa
Parents have a range of rights and duties in relation towards children. One of the most important duties of parents is the maintenance of children in order to ensure the successful physical and mental development of the child. The maintenance institute is one of the basic pillars of family law, based on one of the basic principles of family law, the principle of solidarity, mutual assistance between family members. According to the law, the maintenance obligation is not binding only the parents, but it acts mutually, even children are obliged to support their parents under certain conditions. In my dissertation, I burrowed into the legal system of the maintenance institute in Slovenian legislation and briefly reviewed the arrangements in other European countries. The survival of children, which usually takes place within the family unit, is self-evident. Problems arise only after the disintegration of a marriage. That is why my master's thesis is dedicated to presenting the Slovenian legal system of maintenance with a review of the case law, which substantially complements it. Furthermore, I presented the options that the maintenance creditor has when the non-fulfillment of the obligations by the debtor occurs.

Keywords:child support, maintenance, maintenance claimant, maintenance deptor, regular schooling, maintenance fund

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