The Civil Union Act (ZPZ) introduces two new forms of family law communities for same-sex couples: a formal civil union and a non-formal civil union. This law in all legal sphares, except of explicitly stipulated exceptions, equals a formal civil union to marriage and a non-formal civil union to a formal civil union. The equalization of a non-formal civil union to a formal civil union applies only to the sphare of the relationship between partners. In other sphares, a non-formal civil union has the same legal consequences as a cohabitation. The existence of a non-formal civil union must be proved in every single case. The legal recognition of an "only" life partnership is an important step forward from previous legal regulation, since until now, Slovenian legislation did not recognize any similar non-formal same-sex partnerships, and did not recognize any rights on this basis. With the new legislation now same-sex partners living in a life partnership in many legal areas enjoy more rights and obligations than they had before. The most important provision of ZPZ concerning the relationship of same-sex partners to the children, that still excludes same-sex partners, is the provision, which explicitly provides that partners of a formal civil union and partners of a non-formal civil union cannot jointly adopt children, and that they are not entitled to the procedures of assisted reproduction techniques. For equal treatment of same-sex couples the same rights as for heterosexual couples should be guaranteed also in the field of parenting.