
Tehnologija veriženja blokov
ID ARČON, MATEJ (Author), ID Dobravec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tehnologija veriženja blokov je danes ena najodmevnejših novosti v svetu računalništva. Čeprav so izdelki, ki uporabljajo to tehnologijo, še v zgodnjih fazah razvoja, se zdi, da imajo velike možnosti za izboljšanje življenja ljudi na različnih področjih. Širši javnosti je najbolj znana uporaba veriženja blokov na finančnem področju, predvsem pri poslovanju s tako imenovanimi kriptovalutami, vendar ima lahko tehnologija veriženja blokov veliko širši obseg uporabe. V diplomski nalogi bi rad opisal, kako tehnologija deluje, kakšne spremembe prinaša trenutni infrastrukturi hranjenja podatkov, hkrati pa osvetlil, kakšne so možnosti uporabe tehnologije tudi na drugih področjih.

Keywords:veriženje blokov, kriptovalute, omrežje Bitcoin
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102682 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2018
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Title:The blockchain technology
The blockchain technology is one of the most hyped new computer technology of our time. Even though the products using the blockchain technology are still in their infancy it seems that the technology harnesses a lot of potential in various use cases. The public first heard of the blockchain technology by means of financial use cases, but the reach of the technology could be far greater. So the motivation behind my thesis is to present the workings of the blockchain technology, which innovations it brings to the way we collect data and show how the technology could be used for alternative use cases, not just in the area of financials.

Keywords:blockchain, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin network

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