
Prehod iz vizualnega v tekstovno programiranje
ID Hladnik, Maja (Author), ID Nančovska Šerbec, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kodiranje oz. programiranje je pomembna veščina 21. stoletja. Vizualni programski jeziki kot je Scratch so enostavni za razumevanje in poučevanje, zato postajajo vedno bolj priljubljena orodja za začetno poučevanje programiranja. Zaradi svoje barvitosti, simbolov, vizualnih elementov in preprostosti zelo motivirajo učence. Vendar, večina didaktikov računalništva meni, da morajo učenci preiti na tekstovne programske jezike, kot je Python, po tem ko že obvladajo vizualne programske jezike. Sodobna didaktika računalnitva teži k temu, da je potrebno učence naučiti, kako uporabiti računalniško mišljenje in znanje, ki so se ga naučili v Sratchu, v tekstovnih programskih jezikih, kot je Python. Programerji, eksperti in didaktiki računalništva menijo, da programiranje v višjih programskih jezikih, ki so običajno tekstovni jeziki, kot je npr. Python, omogoča več svobode izražanja. V diplomskem delu obravnavamo stališča didaktikov računalništva oz. strokovnjakov na področju programiranja glede prehoda iz vizualnega v tekstovno programiranje. Med njimi prevladuje mnenje, da je prehod potrebno izvajati. Večina se strinja, da si pri tem pomagamo z grafičnimi okolji, kot je Blockly. Blockly je grafični urejevalnik, v katerem učenci zlagajo bloke, podobno kot v vizualnem programskem okolju Scratch, vzporedno pa se jim ob strani izpisuje koda v Pythonu (ali v JavaScriptu). Na tak način se učenci že predhodno vizualno srečujejo s kodo, ki jo lahko preberejo in razložijo z učiteljevo pomočjo. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo, ali je po mnenju osnovnošolskih učiteljev in srednješolskih profesorjev računalništva potreben prehod iz vizualnega v tekstovno programiranje in zakaj.

Keywords:vizualno programiranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102512 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12107593 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Transition from block- to text-based programming
Coding or programming is important skill of 21st century. Block-based languages, such as Scratch, are becoming more and more popular tools for initial programming instruction, because they are simple to learn and teach. They can highly motivate students because of their colorfulness, symbols, visual elements and simplicity. Although, many didactics of computer science think, that students should move on to a text-based programming language such as Python, once they have mastered visual programming languages. Modern didactic of computer science tends to teach students how to transfer the programming and thinking skills, learnt while using Scratch, to Python. Expert programmers and didactics of computer science consider that programming in higher programming languages allows more freedom of expression. These languages are usually textual such as Python. In the diploma thesis we are concerned with different points of view form didactics of computer science or experts in the field of programming regarding the transition from block based to text based programming. The opinion among them is that the transition is necessary; most of them also agree that to make things easier we can use graphical editors such as Blockly. In Blockly students stack blocks just like in Scratch, but on the side bar, there is Python (or JavaScript) code displaying. This way students see the code; they can read and explain it with teacher's help. In the research we were interested in the view of primary school teachers and high school teachers if the transition from block based to text based programming is needed and reasons why.

Keywords:block-based programming

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