Changes in the society that are brought about by neoliberal ideology and by the trends of capitalism include, among other things, also the entrepreneurship of non-profit organizations. Social entrepreneurship is an example of this trend in practice. The main goal of my master's thesis was to research the current state of social entrepreneurship in Slovenia. To be more precise, I was interested in what social entrepreneurship means for the development of the Slovenian non-profit sector and what exactly leads the legal entities such as societies, institutions, and companies with limited liability to run for obtaining the status of a social enterprise. The results of the research have shown that organizations in general perceive social entrepreneurship as something positive and see in the concept of its functioning a solution to many social problems. But at the same time they point out numerous obstacles that prevent social enterprises from faster and properly oriented development. These arise already in the primary understanding of the essence and functioning of social enterprises at both the micro and macro levels, while further problems arise with legislative barriers and excessive dealing with the status itself rather than acts. Namely, the organizations are led to the candidacy by the drive to obtain financial resources on tenders, which is one of the biggest obstacles in the development of social entrepreneurship. This is closely linked with the inability to conceive a business model within social enterprises that could open the way to long-lasting existence and to both financial, social as well as developmental growth, while at the same time it would extinguish the need for financial injections from the state, which are only a short-lived solution. The forecasts point to the increasing commercialization of the non-profit sector, but the development of non-profit organizations will be dependent of learning market approaches.