
Poškodbe otrok pri športni dejavnosti v zadnjem triletju osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Gregorčič, Matjaž (Author), ID Videmšek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali pojavnost poškodb pri predmetu Šport v osnovnih šolah, kjer sta nas zanimala vrsta in anatomsko mesto poškodb ter količina poškodb. Ugotoviti smo želeli ali spol, starost ter specifični del vadbene enote pri uri Športa vplivajo na pogostost poškodb ter ali udejstvovanje v klubih ali društvih in v prostočasnih dejavnostih vpliva na večje število poškodb in daljšo odsotnost v primerjavi s predmetom Šport. Zanimalo nas je tudi, pri katerem športu v osnovni šoli, klubu/društvu ali prostem času je število poškodb največje. Podatke smo zbirali s pomočjo vprašalnika na vzorcu 631 učencev, od tega 282 fantov in 349 deklet zadnjega triletja iz osmih slovenskih osnovnih šol v goriški, gorenjski in osrednjeslovenski regiji. Ugotovitve kažejo, da je bilo pri predmetu Šport največ poškodb v obliki ran, tem sledijo poškodbe mišic in zvini sklepov, največ poškodb smo zabeležili na kolenu, gležnju in prstih. Pridobljeni podatki ne kažejo statistično značilnih razlik v številu poškodb glede na spol ali starost pri predmetu Šport, prav tako ni statistično značilnih razlik v številu poškodb glede na različne dele ure predmeta Športa. Kažejo se razlike v času odsotnosti po poškodbi pri predmetu Šport in času odsotnosti po poškodbi v klubu ali društvu, medtem ko do teh razlik pri Športu in dejavnosti v prostem času ne prihaja. Prav tako sta statistično značilni razliki v številu poškodb med predmetom Šport in klubom ali društvom ter številu poškodb med predmetom Šport in prostočasnimi dejavnostmi. Največje število poškodb v šoli je bilo zabeleženo pri igrah z žogo; pri fantih pri nogometu, pri dekletih pa pri odbojki. Pri dejavnostih v klubu ali društvu smo največ poškodb pri fantih zabeležili pri borilnih športih, pri dekletih pa pri plesu. V prostem času je bilo pri fantih največ poškodb pri nogometu in kolesarjenju, pri dekletih pa pri teku in rolanju ali kotalkanju.

Keywords:poškodbe, športna aktivnost, osnovna šola, otroci, prosti čas
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102453 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5366193 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Injuries of children due to sports activities undertaken in the last three years of elementary school
In the master's thesis, the incidence of injuries occurring during the Physical Education hours in elementary schools was researched, more precisely the anatomical site of injuries as well as the number of injuries. The goal of the thesis was to discover whether gender, age or a specific part of the PE training unit affect the frequency of injuries and whether there is a correlation between the participation in sports clubs or societies and leisure activities and an increased number of injuries as well as longer absences in comparison to these same occurrences during PE. Moreover, which sports pupils engaged in in elementary school, sports clubs/societies or in their leasure time that yielded the greatest number of injuries were also determined. The data was collected using a questionnaire on a sample of 631 pupils, 282 boys in 349 girls, attending the last three years of elementary school; eight Slovenian elementary schools in the Goriška, Gorenjska and Osrednjeslovenska regions were chosen for the research. The findings show that the greatest number of injuries suffered during PE classes were mostly wounds, followed by muscle injuries and sprains; the knee, ankle in fingers were parts of the body that were injured the most frequently. The obtained data do not show statistically significant differences in the number of injuries suffered in PE classes in relation to gender or age, nor are there any statistically significant differences in the number of injuries in relation to different PE training units. Differences in the time of absence after injury experienced in PE classes and club/society attendance can be spotted, while there are no differences regarding sports as a free-time leasure activity. Similarly, there are statistically significant differences in the number of injuries sustained in PE classes and those experienced in a sports club or society and the number of injuries sustained in PE compared to leisure activities. The highest number of injuries sustained in school was recorded in ball games; for boys in football, and for girls in volleyball. In the activities of the sports club or the society, the culprit for the highest number of injuries in boys were martial arts, and in girls, dance. In their spare time, boys suffered the most injuries during football and cycling, while girls experienced injuries due to running, rollerblading and roller skating.

Keywords:injury, sports activity, elementary school, children, leisure time

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