
Vozilo tipa Segway
ID TRATNIK, MIHA (Author), ID Tuma, Tadej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tem diplomskem delu je predstavljena izdelava dvoslednega vozila tipa segway. Delo obsega elektronsko realizacijo vozila, razlago programskega dela in tudi krajši opis mehanskega dela realizacije. V delu bomo opisali določene komponente in kako posamezna komponenta služi k uspešnemu delovanju vozila. Za glavni krmilni modul, ki bo bral vrednost senzorja kotne hitrosti oz. žiroskop, bomo uporabili krmilni komplet MIŠKO. Pogon motorjev bomo izvedli z PWM signalom, katerega bo proizvajal krmilni modul. Motorje bomo poganjali z močnostnim krmilnim vezjem za motorje, ki bo pretvoril te pulzirajoče signale v močnostni signal za motorje. Smer vožnje bo možno določiti preko krmilne ročke, ki bo pritrjena na potenciometer, s katerega bo komplet MIŠKO bral vrednost s konstantno analogno-digitalno pretvorbo. Ker bo MIŠKO komplet imel pri zagonu in ob vožnji veliko različnih operacij za izvesti, bomo pri izvedbi programa uporabili urnik opravil 'T0Cpp', katerega sem razvil že vnaprej.

Keywords:dvosledno vozilo, senzor kotne hitrosti, žiroskop, potenciometer, urnik opravil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102447 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2018
TRATNIK, MIHA, 2018, Vozilo tipa Segway [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Segway type Vehicle
This thesis contains a description, pertaining to the production of a two-track vehicle commonly reffered to as a segway. This thesis includes a description of the electrical part of the execution, a description of the vehicle's software and a brief description of the mechanicle part of the execution. We will delve into describing seperate components of the vehicle and how each included component is used in a successfull operation of said vehicle. We will be using the MIŠKO development board as our primary controller for our vehicle. This controller will read the vehicle's current angle rate from an angle rate sensor or gyroscope, as well as generate a PWM driving signal for the vehicle's motors. The PWM signal will be driven through to a high-power motor controller circuit, that will convert these low power signals to high power signals for the motors. The vehicle will feature a steering system, consisting of a steering stick attached to a variable resistor. The primary controll board will read the value of this resistor at a fixed rate through an analog to digital converter. As the MIŠKO development board will be required to perform many seperate operations as it starts up or is being driven, we will be using a task schedueler, which i have developed in advance.

Keywords:two-track vehicle, angle rate sensor, gyroscope, variable resistor, task schedueler

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