
Primerjava vsebnosti aromatičnih spojin vina glede na vinorodno deželo Slovenije
ID Ribič, Maruša (Author), ID Košmerl, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za primerjavo vsebnosti estrov in acetaldehida smo analizirali po dva vzorca vina sauvignon iz vsake od vinorodnih dežel − Posavja, Podravja in Primorske. Estri nastanejo večinoma med alkoholno fermentacijo. Acetaldehid nastane med alkoholno fermentacijo ali pri mikrobiološki oksidaciji. Izbrali smo vino sauvignon, ki uspeva po celotni Sloveniji. Za njegovo aromo so pomembne snovi, ki nastanejo med fermentacijo. Naredili smo tudi analizo fizikalno-kemijskih parametrov z napravo Bacchus 3. Ugotovili smo, da je bila najvišja vsebnost skupnega acetaldehida in estrov v vinih iz Posavja, kjer je bila tudi najvišja vsebnost skupnega suhega ekstrakta, reducirajočih sladkorjev, sladkorja prostega ekstrakta ter vsote glukoze in fruktoze. Sledijo vina s Primorske, najnižjo vsebnost pa imajo vina iz Podravja, ki so bila med vsemi tudi najmlajša. V vinih z višjim vol. % alkohola ali pa z nižjim pH je večja vsebnost estrov. Na vsebnost so vplivale tudi letne temperature in padavine. Večja vsebnost estrov in acetaldehida je, kjer so te razporejene čez leto enakomerno.

Keywords:vino, sauvignon, acetaldehid, estri, etil acetat, aromatične spojine, fizikalno-kemijska sestava, vinorodne dežele, Slovenija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Ribič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102393 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4936568 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative study of aromatic substances in wines according to wine region of Slovenia
We examined the amount of esters and acetaldehyde in two samples of Sauvignon Blanc wine from each wine region Posavje, Podravje and Primorska. Most of esters created during fermentation. Acetaldehyde is made during fermentation or is produced due to microbiological oxidation. We choose wine Sauvignon, because it is spread across Slovenia. Crucial for its aroma are substances produced during fermentation. Additionally we used Bacchus 3 for analysing physic-chemical parameters. We came to a conclusion that the highest amount of acetaldehyde and esters is in wine from Posavje region. These wines also had the higher amount of total dry extract, reducing sugars and the sum of glucose and fructose. Following are wines from Primorska, wines from Podravje had the lowest amount of esters and acetaldehyde. Wines with higher levels of alcohol and lower pH had more esters. The temperatures and precipitations also influenced the amount of the aromatic substances. It is favoured that they are equally spread across the whole year.

Keywords:wine, Sauvignon Blanc, acetaldehyde, esters, ethyl acetate, aromatic compounds, physico-chemical parameters, wine regions, Slovenia

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