
Odnos prekmurskih osmošolcev do zdravega življenjskega sloga
ID Bernjak, Melani (Author), ID Kostanjevec, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Erjavšek, Martina (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5248/ This link opens in a new window

Zdrav življenjski slog je opredeljen kot način življenja, ki omogoča kakovostno življenje posameznika, ohranjanje in krepitev zdravja ter optimalni telesni, kognitivni, čustveni in socialni razvoj. Vedenja, ki so del zdravega življenjskega sloga, so prehranjevanje, telesna aktivnost, spanje, sedeča vedenja in tvegana vedenja (kajenje, alkohol). Za potrebe diplomskega dela smo izvedli raziskavo, katere namen je bil ugotoviti, kakšen odnos do vedenj, povezanih z zdravim življenjskim slogom, imajo učenci 8. razredov v Prekmurju. Pri tem so nas zanimale tudi razlike glede na spol in kraj bivanja učencev. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, v raziskavo pa je bilo vključenih 138 učencev 8. razredov štirih osnovnih šol v Prekmurju. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da anketirani učenci v večini dosegajo priporočila glede telesne aktivnosti. Ocenjujemo, da učenci ne dosegajo priporočil glede spanja in zdravih prehranjevalnih navad. Zaskrbljujoč je tudi čas, ki ga učenci dnevno namenijo gledanju televizije in uporabi telefona, manj pogosto pa je tvegano vedenje povezano s kajenjem in uživanjem alkohola. Ugotovili smo, da imajo dekleta večinoma boljši odnos do zdravega načina prehranjevanja kot fantje, razlike med učenkami in učenci glede na kraj bivanja pa niso bile ugotovljene. Slaba polovica učencev ocenjuje, da se prehranjujejo srednje zdravo. Učenci najbolj zaupajo nasvetom, ki jim jih o zdravem življenjskem slogu posredujejo starši in zdravniki, manj nasvetom prijateljev ter najmanj nasvetom učiteljev. Glede na rezultate raziskave je smiselno za učence oblikovati in izvajati različne učinkovite strategije na področjih spodbujanja in zagotavljanja zdravega prehranjevanja, ustrezne količine spanja in prav tako tudi prizadevanja za zmanjšanje sedečih vedenj. Pomembno vlogo pri tem ima šola, ki lahko organizira dodatna predavanja in delavnice na identificirane teme, pri katerih lahko aktivno sodelujejo tako učenci kot tudi njihovi starši. Učitelji lahko v okviru rednega učnega programa učence ozaveščajo o vplivu teh dejavnikov na njihovo zdravje in počutje ter jih s konkretnimi aktivnostmi spodbujajo k spremembi vedenja. V okviru različnih brezplačnih telesnih aktivnosti lahko učitelji pri učencih spodbujajo aktivno preživljanje prostega časa, pomembna pa sta tudi dober zgled vseh strokovnih delavcev na šoli in podpora izvajanja aktivnosti v domačem okolju s strani staršev.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102358 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12093513 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The attitudes of the Prekmurje region elementary school 8th-graders towards healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is defined as a lifestyle, enabling the individual to live a life of quality, to maintain and strengthen his health and develop optimally in at the physical, cognitive, emotional and social level. Behaviours, which are a part of a healthy lifestyle, are diet, physical activity, sleep, sedentary behaviours and risk behaviours (smoking, alcohol). For the purposes of the thesis, we have carried out a research to identify the attitude of 8th grade students from Prekmurje towards behaviours, connected to a healthy lifestyle. We were also interested in the differences concerning the gender and place of residence of the students. The data was obtained with the help of a questionnaire. The research included 138 8th grade students from four primary schools in Prekmurje. The analysis of the results showed that the questioned students mostly reach the recommendations regarding physical activity. We assess that students do not reach the recommendations regarding sleep and healthy eating habits. Worrying is also the time the students are daily spending to watch TV and use their phone, but less often, the risky behaviour is connected with smoking and the use of alcohol. We found that female students mostly have a better attitude towards healthy eating habits than male students, but the differences between female and male students regarding their place of residence have not been identified. Just under a half of the students assess that their eating habits are medium healthy. Students mostly trust the advice about a healthy lifestyle, provided by their parents and doctors, a little less the advice of their friends and the least the advice of teachers. Considering the results of the research, it is reasonable to form and perform different effective strategies for students in the fields of encouraging and ensuring healthy eating habits, a proper quantity of sleep and also make attempts to decrease the amount of sedentary behaviours. The school has an important role in this, since it can organize additional lectures and workshops about the identified topics, where students and parents can be an active part. Within the regular learning program, teachers can raise awareness about the influence of these factors on their health and welfare and try to use concrete activities to encourage them to change their behaviour. Within different free physical activities, teachers can encourage students to spend their spare time actively. Important is also that parents support physical activities in the domestic environment and for all professional school workers to be of a good example.


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