
Mladi v prostočasnih dejavnostih: primer dijakov Gimnazije Ledina
ID Nunić, Maja (Author), ID Živoder, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mladost je izredno pomembna faza v človekovem življenju, saj predstavlja prehod iz otroštva v odraslo življenje. Zanimivo je preučevati mladostnike v njihovem vsakdanjem življenju in v njihovem najbolj avtonomnem področju: v prostem času. V diplomskem delu Mladi v prostočasnih dejavnostih: primer dijakov Gimnazije Ledina bomo najprej teoretično in nato empirično raziskovali mladino skozi njihov pogled na prosti čas. V teoretičnem delu bomo spoznavali različne definicije mladosti in prostega časa, preučevali njuno zasnovo ter posebej izpostavili te značilnosti v slovenskem prostoru. V empiričnem delu bomo v intervjujih skušali razumeti, kaj za mlade pomeni prosti čas, kako ga preživljajo, kakšen je njihov odnos do njega ipd. ter s tem spoznavali njihove potrebe, vrednote, značilnosti, navade ter tudi (samo)identitete mladostnikov in nenazadnje tudi njih same, kar je tudi naš zadani cilj. Svoje ugotovitve bomo združili v analizo, kjer jih bomo hkrati primerjali z ugotovitvami predhodnih raziskav o prostem času mladostnikov. V sklepnem delu bomo potrdili ali ovrgli hipoteze, ki smo jih zastavili v uvodu in razmislili tudi o razvojni prihodnosti mladih v prostem času iz kritične perspektive.

Keywords:aktivnost, prostočasne dejavnosti, mladost, odraščanje, prosti čas
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102347 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35778397 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2018
NUNIĆ, Maja, 2018, Mladi v prostočasnih dejavnostih: primer dijakov Gimnazije Ledina [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Adolescents in leisure time activities: an example of Ledina High School students
Youth is an extremely relevant phase in a person˙s life, since it represents the transformation from childhood into adulthood, and it`s interesting to observe adolescents in their everyday life in their most autonomous field: leisure time. In my graduate thesis entitled Adolescents in leisure time activities: an example of Ledina High School students I will first theorethically, and later empirically, research young people`s views on their leisure time. In theoretical part I will present different definitions of youth and leisure time, examine their concepts, and specifically expose characteristics of these in Slovenia. In empirical part, in interviews, I will try to understand what is the meaning of leisure time for youth, how they spend it, what is their attitude towards it, etc., and recognize young people`s needs, values, characteristics, habits, (self)identities and young people in general, which is primarly my goal. My findings will be presented in the analysis, where I will compare them to previous resarches conclusions about adolescents` free time. In conclusion I will either confirm or deny hypotheses, which I made in the introduction and also reflect my ideas about the future of youth in free time from critical perspective.

Keywords:activity, leisure activities, youth, growing up, leisure time

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