
Operacionalizacija odgovornosti zaščititi v Latinski Ameriki
ID Srovin Coralli, Ana (Author), ID Sancin, Vasilka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo analizira in primerja stališča izbranih držav Latinske Amerike o načelu odgovornosti zaščititi, raziskuje vzroke za njihove različne pristope in ugotavlja, kaj države te regije navajajo kot največjo oviro za implementacijo načela v praksi. Analizirane države svoja mnenja utemeljujejo na zgodovinskih dejstvih, nacionalnih političnih težnjah in pravnih okvirih, sklicujoč se na načeli suverenosti in nevmešavanja pri izražanju podpore ali zavrnitve odgovornosti zaščititi. Z izjemo Kube in Venezuele latinskoameriške države izražajo vse večjo naklonjenost načelu in spodbujajo njegovo uveljavitev v mednarodnem pravu, obstoječa nesoglasja in polemike pa se v večjem delu nanašajo na možnost uporabe sile s strani mednarodne skupnosti. V magistrskem delu je izdatna pozornost namenjena prispevku Brazilije k razvoju odgovornosti zaščititi, vlogi nacionalne politike pri oblikovanju stališča Mehike ter Venezueli kot primeru države, kjer se je še nedolgo nazaj razpravljalo o možnosti uporabe načela v praksi. Kljub temu da se Latinske Amerike zaradi odsotnosti meddržavnih konfliktov drži sloves mirne regije, bi bilo smotrno premisliti, ali bi trpljenje prebivalstva v nacionalnih kontekstih v kateri izmed držav poleg Venezuele lahko uvrstili v kategorijo situacij, ki utemeljujo uporabo odgovornosti zaščititi. Glede na to, da je v okviru odgovornosti zaščititi poudarek na preprečevanju množičnih grozodejstev, je v prihodnosti za uspešno izvajanje tega načela v Latinski Ameriki ključno sodelovanje civilne družbe in spodbujanje krepitve regionalnih in nacionalnih mehanizmov.

Keywords:načelo odgovornost zaščititi, Latinska Amerika, odgovornost med zaščito, množična grozodejstva, načelo suverenosti, humanitarna intervencija, medameriški sistem za varstvo človekovih pravic, Organizacija ameriških držav
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102317 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16315985 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.08.2018
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Title:Operationalization of the Responsibility to Protect in Latin America
The master thesis analyses and compares different approaches of selected Latin American countries towards the principle Responsibility to Protect. It also looks at the reasons for differences between their positions and at the main obstacle for the implementation of the principle, claimed by the Latin American states. Analyzed countries base their opinion on historical facts, national political guidelines and legal frameworks, commonly referring to the principles of sovereignty and non-intervention as an argument for their support or reluctance towards the Responsibility to Protect. Latin American countries have, with the exception of Cuba and Venezuela, shown growing regard for this principle and have encouraged the endorsement of its legal status in international law. The remaining disagreements and polemics are mostly concerned with the possibility of the international community to use force. The thesis pays special attention to the contribution of Brasil in the development of the principle Responsibility to Protect, to the role of national politics in shaping the position of Mexico, and to Venezuela, as a case where the possibility to use the Responsibility to Protect in practice a while ago was discussed. Although Latin America has the reputation of being a calm region with regard to interstate conflicts, it would be wise to consider whether human suffering in national contexts in any of analyzed countries, apart from Venezuela, could be classified as a situation that warrants the application of the Responsibility to Protect. Given that, apropos of the Responsibility to Protect measures, the emphasis is placed on prevention, participation of civil society and efforts to strengthen regional and national mechanisms are crucial for successful implementation of the aforementioned principle in the future.

Keywords:principle Responsibility to Protect, Latin America, Responsibility while Protecting, mass atrocities, principle of sovereignty, humanitarian intervention, inter-American system for the protection of human rights, Organization of American States

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