
Vpliv aktivizirajoče knjige na razvoj predbralnih in predpisalnih spretnosti v drugi starostni skupini vrtca
ID Cegnar, Nuša (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Bralna pismenost in njena raven je pomembna s stališča posameznika, prav tako pa tudi s stališča države, saj omogoča in spodbuja osebnostni razvoj in socialno vključenost posameznikov v skupnost ter ekonomski razvoj celotne družbe. Bralna pismenost je temelj vseh drugih pismenosti, saj predstavlja zmožnost posameznika za razumevanje, kritično vrednotenje in uporabo pisnih informacij. Stopnja zgodnje pismenosti, ki se pri otroku pojavi najprej, je porajajoča se pismenost, ki se odvija v skoraj celotnem predšolskem obdobju in se zaključi okrog otrokovega šestega leta starosti z vstopom v šolo. V vrtcu želimo otroke čim bolj opolnomočiti za kasnejše uspešno branje in pisanje. To lahko storimo tako, da v čim večji meri razvijamo predpisalne in predbralne zmožnosti. Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati in preizkusiti aktivizirajočo knjigo in v raziskavi ugotoviti, ali bodo otroci v drugi starostni skupini vrtca po njeni enomesečni uporabi izboljšali svoje predopismenjevalne zmožnosti. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 20 otrok, vsi so najprej pisali preizkus predopismenjevalnih zmožnosti, nato smo otroke razdelili v eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. Otroci iz eksperimentalne skupine so delali naloge iz aktivizirajoče knjige, otroci iz kontrolne skupine pa ne. Po enomesečni uporabi tega didaktičnega pripomočka smo ponovno pisali test za preizkus predopismenjevalnih zmožnosti. Dobljene rezultate otrok iz obeh skupin smo primerjali in ugotovili, da so se pri otrocih, ki so delali z aktivizirajočo knjigo, vse predopismenjevalne zmožnosti, ki smo jih urili (grafomotorika, orientacija, vidno zaznavanje in slušno razločevanje ter razčlenjevanje), izboljšale. V kontrolni skupini pa je rezultat skoraj povsod ostal na enaki stopnji kot pri prvem testu. Vsi otroci so zelo uživali v igranju s knjigo in so bili dobro motivirani. Z raziskavo smo dokazali, da aktivizirajoča knjiga pozitivno vpliva na razvoj predopismenjevalnih zmožnosti.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102314 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12081481 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of the activating book on the development of pre-reading and pre-writing skills of the senior age group in kindergarten
Reading literacy and its level is important from the point of view of the individual, as well as from the point of view of the state, because it enables and promotes personal development and social inclusion of individuals in the community and economic development of the entire society. Reading literacy is the foundation of all other literacies, because it represents an individual’s ability to understand, critically evaluate and use written information. The level of early literacy, which occurs first in the child, is the emerging literacy, which takes place almost during the entire preschool period and ends when child is about six years old and starts going to school. In the kindergarten, we try to empower the children as much as possible so that they are later on able to successfully read and write. We can do that by developing their pre-writing and pre-reading abilities as much as possible. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to create and test a picture book without text and to find out whether children in the second age group of the kindergarten will improve their pre-writing and pre-reading abilities after using this book for a month. The research included 20 children, and they all first had a test of their pre-writing and pre-reading abilities, then we divided the children into an experimental and control group. Children from the experimental group did tasks from the picture book without text, whereas those from the control group did not. After using this didactic tool for one month, the children had to take a test so that we could check their pre-writing and pre-reading abilities once again. The results of the children from both groups were compared and we found out that in the children who used the picture book without text, all pre-writing and pre-reading abilities that we have trained (graphomotoric, orientation, visual perception and ability to distinguish and parse sounds) were improved. In the control group, the results remained almost at the same level as in the first test. All children enjoyed interacting with the book and were highly motivated. With the research, we proved that a picture book without text has a positive impact on the development of pre-writing and pre-reading abilities.


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