
Projekt radijska igra : od besedila do predvajanja na šolskem radiu
ID Malovrh, Nives (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5199/ This link opens in a new window

»Moj vnuk, ki ima danes enajst let, je kot triletni fantič kar rad poslušal radijske igre. Ulegel se je na tla, gledal v strop in poslušal. Kakšno radijsko igro tudi večkrat zapored. Ko je čez nekaj časa odkril risanke, se je radijskim igram odpovedal. Poslušal jih je samo še, če je bil bolan in ni smel pred ekran« (Sajko, 1995: 737). Radijska igra je bila ljudem včasih zelo zanimiva in so jo zelo pogosto poslušali, danes pa smo na njo popolnoma pozabili. Vedno več otrok danes sploh ne ve, kaj je radijska igra, saj jo je, kot piše Rosanda Sajko, zelo zasenčila risanka. O razmerju med literaturo in risanko pa govori tudi M. Grosman (2006). Meni, da imajo otroci danes na voljo številne oblike digitalne zabave, s katerim lahko pridejo do užitka, zato se branju več ne posvečajo. Branje za njih ni več tako samoumevno in na nek način se ga celo sramujejo. Otroku so že od rojstva ponujene številne uvožene kulturne tvorbe: vizualno podprte pripovedi risank, računalniške igrice in igrače. V tridesetih letih 20. stoletja so risanke začele kritizirati družbene razmere in vrednote. Ker je bila to včasih naloga knjige, je tako prišlo do upada zanimanja za branje. Risanke ne spodbujajo k jezikovnemu delovanju, ampak le k pasivnemu sprejemanju, povzročajo jezikovne primanjkljaje, gledalcu ne dajejo na voljo več časa za razmislek, ampak ga spodbujajo k njegovi pasivnosti in onemogočajo ustvarjanje lastne predstave. V prvem delu magistrske naloge bom pisala o poslušanju, o radijski igri, njenem razvoju, značilnostih, vrstah, o njeni zgodovini, o radijski igri na Slovenskem. Omenila bom nekaj bolj uspešnih oz. znanih radijskih iger ter njihovih avtorjev na Slovenskem, nato pa se bom posvetila še Franetu Puntarju in radijski igri Vzorček. Raziskovala bom tudi, v kolikšni meri je danes radijska igra sploh še prisotna v učnem načrtu in katere cilje se z njo dosega. V raziskovalnem delu magistrske naloge bom opisala projekt, ki ga bom izvedla z učenci petega razreda devetletne osnovne šole. Z učenci bom opravila nekaj srečanj, v katerih bomo posneli radijsko igro Vzorček in jo nato predvajali na šolskem radiu. Pri tem projektu bom uporabila kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo in kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. Način vzorčenja bo neslučajnostni namenski za potrebe raziskave. Obsegal bo približno 10 otrok iz 5. razreda osnovne šole, starih 10 ali 11 let. Cilj raziskave bo najprej ta, da bodo otroci spoznali in razumeli radijsko igro Vzorček, nato pa jo bomo posneli in jo predvajali na šolskem radiu. S tem bom skušala pri učencih in učiteljih ter učiteljicah na tej šoli zopet vzbuditi zanimanje za radijsko igro in projekte, ki bodo vključevali radijsko igro.

Keywords:risanka, Frane Puntar, razredna stopnja, književnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Malovrh]
Number of pages:56 str., [15] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102289 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12073801 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Project radio play: from text to playing it on the school radio
“My grandson, who is eleven years old now, liked to listen to radio plays. He lied down on the floor, stared at the ceiling and listened. He listened to some radio plays also several times in a row. When he discovered cartoons in a while, he didn’t listen to radio plays anymore. He listened to them only when he was sick and wasn’t allowed to be in front of the screen” (Sajko, 1995: 737). Radio plays were very interesting to the people once and they listened to them very often. Today, we have completely forgotten about them. More and more children do not even know what a radio play is, because – as R. Sajko writes – it was left in the shade of the cartoon. M. Grosman (2006) also speaks about the relationship between the literature and the cartoon. She believes that children have numerous forms of digital entertainment at their disposal today. Thus, they achieve pleasure and are not dedicated to reading anymore. Reading is not taken for granted for them anymore and they are even ashamed of reading in a way. From the day of their birth, children are offered numerous cultural structures: visually supported narratives in cartoons, computer games, and toys. In the 1930s, cartoons started to criticize social conditions and values. Before that, this had been the task of the book and, thus, the interested in reading declined. Cartoons do not induce linguistic action but only passive following. Thus, they cause linguistic deficits, they do not offer time to think to spectators and they only induce them to their passivity and they prevent the creation of one’s own imagination. In the first part of the master’s thesis, I will write about the listening, about the radio play, its development, characteristics, types, its history, and the radio play in Slovenia. I will mention some more successful, i.e. famous, radio plays and their authors in Slovenia. Then, I will pay my attention to Frane Puntar and the radio play Vzorček. I will also research to what extent the radio play is still present in the curriculum today and which objectives are reached by it. In the research part of the master’s thesis, I will describe the project which I will perform with the students of the fifth grade of the nine-year elementary school. I will perform a few meetings with the students. In the process, we will record the radio play Vzorček. Then we will play it on the school radio. Within this project, I will use the causal non-experimental method and the qualitative research approach. The method of sampling for the needs of the research will be non-coincidental purposive. It will include approximately ten children from the fifth grade of the elementary school, aged ten or eleven years. The goal of the research will be for the children to learn and understand the radio play Vzorček. Then we will record it and play it on the school radio. Thus, I will try to induce an interest among the students and the teachers of the school again for the radio play and for the projects which will include a radio play.

Keywords:radio play, radijska igra

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