
Program otroške atletike v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo
ID Smonkar, Jerneja (Author), ID Čoh, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je opisan program Otroške atletike, ki ga izvaja Atletska zveza Slovenije. Gre za program Kids’ Athletics, ki ga je zasnovala Svetovna atletska zveza (IAAF) na podlagi analiz stanja atletike, vsebine vadbe pri otrocih in bioloških značilnosti otrok. Namenjen je otrokom od 7. do 12. leta starosti. Vsebina programa je takšna, da omogoča vadbe in tekmovanja, ki so prilagojena otrokom in njihovim razvojnim značilnostim. Cilj pa je promocija zdravja (spodbujanje otrok h gibanju), socialna interakcija (ekipni duh) in značaj avanture (motivacija). Njegove značilnosti so postopnost, praktičnost in dostopnost. S tem program IAAF poskuša preprečiti upad gibalnih sposobnosti, zgodnjo specializacijo in upad sodelujočih otrok. Sama pa želim v diplomskem delu opozoriti na vse probleme, ki se pojavljajo pri atletiki za otroke. Namen dela je predvsem uporabne narave, kot pomoč trenerjem, vaditeljem ter strokovnim delavcem, ki se ukvarjajo z mladimi atleti ali katerimi drugimi mladimi športniki. Šport v obdobju otroštva in mladostništva človeka zaznamuje za celo življenje. Atletika je izjemo vsestranska dejavnost, ki je zelo primerna za pravilen razvoj otroka. Da bodo otroci dobili bogata in pozitivna doživetja, mora biti ta prilagojena njihovim sposobnostim in lastnostim, značilnostim in pričakovanjem. Raznovrstna vadba v zgodnjih obdobjih športnikovega razvoja je ustreznejša pot k športnim dosežkom kot pa zahteven in neusmiljen dril od otroštva naprej. Povsem se strinjam, da je za prave zmagovalce šport v otroštvu predvsem igra in zabava.

Keywords:otroci, atletika, program, tekmovalni šport mladih
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102252 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5381297 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.07.2018
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Secondary language

The diploma thesis describes the program of the Children's Athletics, conducted by the Athletic Association of Slovenia. This is the Kids' Athletics program, designed by the World Athletics Association (IAAF), based on an analysis of athletics, exercise content in children and the biological characteristics of children. It is intended for children aged 7-12 years. The content of the program is such that it allows exercises and competitions that are adapted to children and their developmental characteristics. The goal is the promotion of health (encouraging children to move), social interaction (team spirit) and the importance of adventure (motivation). Its features are gradual, practical and accessible. With this, the IAAF program seeks to prevent the decline in motor skills, early specialization and the decline of participating children. But I want to draw attention to all the problems that arise in athletics for children in the diploma work. The purpose of the work is primarily of a useful nature, such as helping trainers, practitioners and professional workers working with young athletes or other young athletes. Sports during the period of childhood and adolescence, man are marked throughout his life. Athletics is an exceptional all-round activity, which is very suitable for the proper development of a child. For children to get rich and positive experiences, they can be adapted to their abilities and qualities, characteristics and expectations. A varied exercise in the early stages of athletes' development is a more appropriate way to achieve sports achievements than more demanding and reluctant drones since childhood. I totally agree that for the right winners, sport in childhood is primarily a game and a fun.

Keywords:children, athletics, programme, competitive youth sport

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