The thesis describes the process of making an application for content downloading in form of video-on-demand as offered by RTV Slovenija. The aim was to facilitate the transfer of content from the RTV archives to the user’s computer. However, the application has to download any content successfully, regardless of file size or type.
The first part of the thesis is theoretical and discusses the technologies used. The emphasis is mainly placed on describing the video-on-demand technologies aimed at immediate access to video and audio content that can be viewed any time, not just when the content is broadcasted.
The Java programming language, NetBeans integrated development environment, Maven tool, JSON format as well as JsonPath and HtmlUnit libraries that were used in the thesis are also described.
The second part explains the purpose, development and functioning of the application. All the phases needed for transferring the content as a video or audio file from a specific URL address to the computer are discussed as well.