
Klic na pomoč v nevarnosti prek omrežja LoRaWAN
ID ŠTENKLER, DENIS (Author), ID Pustišek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi se najprej sprehodimo čez osnovne pojme, vključene v mojo rešitev za alarmiranje v nevarnosti za osebno uporabo, kot so internet stvari ter alarmiranje v nevarnosti in varnost na gorskotekaških/-kolesarskih preizkušnjah. Sledi primerjava in opis že obstoječih podobnih alarmnih sistemov oz. tehnologij in vrste pridobivanja lokacije. Nato opišemo sodobne tehnologije za brezžično povezovanje naprav IoT in podrobneje tehnologijo LoRaWAN, ki je uporabljena v moji diplomski nalogi za izdelavo omenjene rešitve. Tehnologija LoRaWAN služi za povezovanje moje naprave za klic na pomoč LoRa v internetno omrežje. V zadnjem delu pa opišemo, kakšni so cilji. Glavni cilji so po omrežju LoRaWAN in naše naprave za klic na pomoč LoRa zagotoviti večjo varnost na gorskotekaških/-kolesarskih prireditvah. Cilj je izdelati rešitev, ki je sestavljena iz same naprave in vse do zalednega sistema, v našem primeru je to NEXES. Za izvedbo diplomske naloge smo uporabili različne gradnike sistemov IoT. Za napravo IoT smo uporabili ploščico Arduino Mega2560, ki je ustrezno sprogramirana za pravilno delovanje naprave za klic na pomoč LoRa. Ploščica je programirana v programskem okolju ArduinoIDE. Ploščici Arduino smo dodali še razno senzoriko za zaznavanje gibanja, sireno in tipke, ki služijo uporabniku naprave za klic na pomoč LoRa. Komunikacijo z napravo smo zagotovili z omrežjem LoRaWAN ob uporabi ščita Dragino LoRa, ki služi za povezovanje naprav za klic na pomoč LoRa v omrežje LoRaWAN. Platforma The Things Network je platforma, posebej zasnovana za omrežje LoRaWAN in povezovanje naprav LoRa v to omrežje. Služi za pregled, urejanje in posredovanje raznih sporočil, prejetih z naprave za klic na pomoč LoRa. Zaledni sistem v oblaku je predstavljala platforma NEXES. Gre za obstoječo, namensko platformo za podporo obveščanja v primeru nevarnosti. Ta služi kot zaledni reševalski sistem, kjer vidimo lokacijo ponesrečenca in vse ostale koristne podatke, posredovane iz platforme The Things Network po napravi za klic na pomoč LoRa. Z vsemi naštetimi elementi je bil cilj izdelati napravo, ki bo služila za varovanje posameznika na tekaških oz. kolesarskih tekmovanjih na tak način, da se ob nesreči ali čem podobnem pošiljajo sporočila na pomoč s koristnimi podatki in najbolj pomembnim podatkom, lokacijo, v zaledni sistem NEXES.Pozicioniranje v diplomski nalogi je izvedeno preko omrežja LoRaWAN, in sicer preko integracije Collos na platformi The Things Network. Imel sem problem pozicioniranja, in sicer, da imamo težavo s točnostjo pozicioniranja, če naprava vidi manj kot tri prehode.

Keywords:LPWAN, LoRaWAN, IoT, varnost, alarmiranje v nevarnosti, The Things Network, NEXES
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102230 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.07.2018
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Title:Emergency notification through the LoRaWAN network
In the diploma thesis, we first go through the basic concepts involved in my solution for alarming at risk, such as the Internet of Things, SOS alarming and safety on mountain running/cycling trials. Then following is comparison and a description of already existing similar alarm systems/technologies and types of location acquisition. Then we describe the modern technologies for wireless connection of IoT devices and more detailed LoRaWAN technology, which is used in my diploma thesis to produce solution. LoRaWAN servers to connect my LoRa SoS device to an Internet network. In the latter part, we describe what the goals are. The main objectives are to provide greater safety at mountain bike / cycling events through LoRaWAN and our LoRa SoS devices. Here, of course, is the goal of creating a solution that consists of the device itself and all the way to the »backend« system, in our case, this is NEXES. In order to complete the diploma thesis we used the various building blocks of the IoTe systems. For the IoT device, we used the Arduino Mega2560 plate, which is properly programmed for the proper operating of the LoRa SoS device. The plate is programmed in the ArduinoIDE program environment. To Arduino we also added some sensors like motion detection sensor, acoustic sirens and keys that serve the LoRa SoS device user. Communication with the device was provided by the LoRaWAN network using the Dragino LoRa shield, which serves to connect LoRa SoS devices to the LoRaWAN network. The Things Network Platform is specifically designed for the LoRaWAN network and connects LoRa devices to this network. It serves to view, edit and transmit various messages received from the LoRa SOS device. The cloud-based »backend« system was the NEXES platform. It is an existing, dedicated platform to support information in the event of a threat. This serves as a »backend" rescue system where we see the location of the casualty and all the other useful information transmitted from The Things Netowork Platform through the LoRa SOS device. With all of the above elements, the goal is to implement a device that will serve to protect an individual competiotor in trail running and mountain biking competitions. This will be done in such a way that, in case of an accident or something similar, the SoS messages with useful data and the most important data location are sent to the backend system NEXES. That's what I did to a great extent. Positioning in the diploma thesis was carried out at the level of the LoRaWAN network through Collos integration on The Things Network platform, where I identified the problem of positioning, that the thing does not work if the device sees less than three transitions.

Keywords:LPWAN, LoRaWAN, IoT, security, SOS alarming, The Things Network, NEXES

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