
Doživljanje sodnih postopkov dokazovanja spolne zlorabe otroka pri svojcih otrok : magistrsko delo
ID Medved, Martina (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spolna zloraba otroka je eno najbolj zavržnih kaznivih dejanj, s katerim se posega v njegovo psihično in telesno integriteto. Zaradi čudnega in nerazumljivega izkustva se otrok pogosto sooča z občutki krivde in sramu, zaradi česar se velikokrat znajde v precepu, ali naj o zlorabi spregovori naglas. Medtem ko je izkušnja zlorabe travmatična že sama po sebi, teorija in klinična praksa ugotavljata, da v sodnih postopkih dokazovanja spolne zlorabe pri otrocih le-ti zaradi neprimerne procesne zaščite pogosto utrpijo ponovno travmo oz. retravmatizacijo. Statistika kaže, da pri preiskovanju in dokazovanju spolnih zlorab v Sloveniji močno zaostajamo za implementacijo »otroku prijaznega pravosodja«, kot nam to narekujejo evropske smernice. Osrednjo tematiko magistrskega dela predstavlja osvetlitev sodnih mehanizmov, potek sodnega postopka in forenzičnega izpraševanja otrok, pri čemer avtorica pri procesnih pomanjkljivostih kot predloge za izboljšavo navaja primere dobre prakse iz drugih držav. S pomočjo fenomenološko-psihološke metode je avtorica v pol-strukturiranih intervjujih pridobila vpogled v doživljanje mater, ki so skupaj z otroki prestale sodni postopek dokazovanja spolne zlorabe na sodišču. V raziskavi z glavnim raziskovalnim vprašanjem »Kako svojci otrok doživljajo sodne postopke preiskovanja in dokazovanja spolne zlorabe v kontekstu otrokove dobrobiti?« je sodelovalo pet udeleženk, mater otrok. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da sodni postopek za otroke in starše predstavlja stresen dogodek, ki sproža ponovno obuditev travme oz. elementov potravmatske stresne motnje. Temu botrujejo dolžina postopkov in odloženo ukrepanje, večplastna problematika zasliševanja in občutek splošne sistemske nezaščite. Pri udeleženkah se je pokazala tudi možnost potravmatske rasti kot posledica nekaterih olajševalnih okoliščin v postopku, lastnih notranjih virov moči in zunanje pomoči v obliki psihosocialne/psihoterapevtske podpore. Rezultati raziskave pritrjujejo znanstvenim spoznanjem in spoznanjem stroke s Svetom Evrope na čelu, ki Republiki Sloveniji zapoveduje posodobitev zakonodaje v »otrokom bolj prijazno«, vključno z implementacijo ustreznih preventivnih oz. preprečevalnih ukrepov proti spolnim zlorabam.

Keywords:spolna zloraba otroka, travma, sodni postopek, forenzični intervju, »otroku prijazno pravosodje«, retravmatizacija, potravmatska rast, fenomenološka metoda.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Medved]
Number of pages:VII,144, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102214 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10828803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Proceedings of proving sexual abuse of children through the experience of relatives
Child sexual abuse (CSA) is one of the most deplorable crimes, which interferes with a child's mental and physical integrity. Because of this strange and incomprehensible experience a child faces feelings of guilt and shame, which makes him ask himself if he should speak up about the abuse. While the experience of abuse is traumatic itself, theory and clinical practice found that judicial procedures of proving sexual abuse in children often do not offer adequate procedural protection, which causes retraumatization or repeatedly caused trauma. Statistics show that investigating and proving proceedings in Slovenia are, despite European guidelines, seriously lacking in the implementation of a child-friendly justice system. The main topic of the master's thesis is the disclosure of judicial mechanisms, judicial procedures and forensic interviews with children, with the author mentioning some examples of good practice from foreign countries and suggestions for procedural improvements. With the use of the phenomenological-psychological method, the author gained insight into the experiences of mothers who, along with children, went through the judicial process of proving sexual abuse in court. Five women participated in the study and answered the main research question of »How do relatives experience legal proceedings in proving sexual abuse in the context of the child's well-being?«. The analysis of the results showed that the judicial procedure is a stressful event for both children and parents and additionally triggers a recurrence of the trauma or at least elements of post-traumatic stress disorder. This was, according to the participants, caused by too lengthy procedures and deferred action at court; multifaceted problems of interviewing children and a general sense of systemic unprotection of the child. The participants also showed the possibility of post-traumatic growth as a result of some mitigating circumstances in the process, their own sources of internal power or external help in psychosocial/psychotherapeutic support. The results of the research confirm the scientific discoveries and knowledge of the profession with the Council of Europe at the head, which orders the Republic of Slovenia to modernize the legislation in a more child-friendly way, including the implementation of appropriate preventive measures against sexual abuse.

Keywords:child sexual abuse, trauma, judicial procedure, forensic interview, »child-friendly justice«, retraumatization, posttraumatic growth, phenomenological method.

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