
Skupina močvirske kukavice (Orchis palustris agg.) v Sloveniji
ID Križ, Gregor (Author), ID Jogan, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Skupina močvirske kukavice (O. palustris agg.) je v Sloveniji slabo znana in slabo raziskana. Iz podatkov herbarijskega materiala Univerze v Ljubljani (ULJ) je razvidno, da se pri nas zagotovo pojavljata dva taksona – rahlocvetna kukavica (O. laxiflora) in močvirska kukavica (O. palustris), nekateri avtorji pa za Slovenijo navajajo tudi uspevanje tretjega taksona, O. elegans. V naši raziskavi smo analizirali 100 rastlin s 17 lokacij po Sloveniji. Nekatere meritve so bile izvedene že na terenu, numerični znaki cveta pa kasneje na prepariranem materialu s pomočjo programa ImageJ. Vse podatke smo statistično obdelali v programu PAST. V nekaterih populacijah močvirske kukavice so se pojavljali posamezni primerki, ki so močno odstopali od tipske O. palustris. Takšne primerke smo zato obravnavali kot potencialne O. elegans, vendar z zavedanjem, da gre najverjetneje le za znotrajvrstno variabilnost, ki bi omenjene primerke lahko uvrstila le v taksonomski rang forme, ne pa samostojnega taksona, zato pojavljanja O. elegans ne moremo potrditi. Na podlagi analize razlikovalnih znakov smo oblikovali tudi določevalni ključ za razlikovanje med taksoni znotraj O. palustris agg., ki bo pripomogel k boljšem razlikovanju med omenjenimi taksoni. Močvirska in rahlocvetna kukavica sta v Sloveniji dobro geografsko ločeni. Rahlocvetno kukavico najdemo na Primorskem, medtem ko se močvirska kukavica pojavlja v osrednjem in jugovzhodnem delu Slovenije. Ker kukavičevke iz omenjene skupine rastejo na močvirnatih tleh, ki so z vidika habitatov ogrožena, je bilo smiselno oceniti tudi dejansko stanje rastišč populacij omenjenih taksonov. Glede na zbrane podatke je stanje populacij zaskrbljujoče. V večini primerov gre za manjše populacije (do 50 primerkov), ki so sicer dokaj stabilne, vendar pa bi ob spremenjeni rabi zemljišč lahko čez noč izginile.

Keywords:Orchis palustris, Orchis laxiflora, Orchis elegans, razširjenost, naravovarstveni status
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102149 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4773711 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Bog orchid group (Orchis palustris agg.) in Slovenia
The bog orchid group (O. palustris agg.) in Slovenia is neither well-known nor well-researched scientifically. Based on examinations of herbarium material at the University of Ljubljana (ULJ) two taxa are present – the loose-flowered orchid (O. laxiflora) and the bog orchid (O. palustris). Some authors have claim that there is a third species present in Slovenia, O. elegans. In our study, we analysed one hundred specimens from seventeen locations across Slovenia. Some measurments were performed in situ, while flower characteristics were analised in the lab with Image J software. Data was statistically analysed using PAST software (PAleontological STatistics). Some populations of bog orchids displayed individual variationso that some measurements were out of range for O. palustris. These plants were denoted as potential O. elegans, however it was kept in mind that deviations are probably due to intraspecific variation, meaning it would be a form of the same species rather than an independent taxon. As such, the presence of O.elegans was not confirmed. Based on the analysis of distinctive characteristics, an identification key was created to distinguish between the taxa of the bog orchids group. Our findings also show that the bog orchid and the loose-flowered orchid have distinct geographic ranges with no overlap. Bog orchids are primarly found in the central and south-eastern region of Slovenia while loose-flowered orchids can be found in the south-western part of the territory. Due to their growth on threatened swampy soils, it was important that their condition be evaluated. At the time of sampling, the state of these sites was of great concern. In most cases, populations are small (maximum 50 plants) but stable. However, with the misuse of these lands, the habitats and plants themselves are in great danger of dissapearing suddenly.

Keywords:Orchis palustris, Orchis laxiflora, Orchis elegans, distribution, conservation status

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