
Znanje irskih osnovnošolcev o evoluciji človeka : magistrsko delo
ID Praznik, Urška (Author), ID Strgar, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V irskem učnem načrtu iz leta 2008 ni operativnega učnega cilja, ki bi se navezoval na evolucijo človeka. V specifikaciji kurikula, ki je bil izdan leta 2015, pa je zapisano, da učenci evolucijo spoznajo preko naravne selekcije, ki razlaga raznolikost živih bitij. Učitelji so tako bolj ali manj prepuščeni samim sebi pri globini in količini obravnavane snovi. Ker je poučevanje evolucije človeka zahtevno, je pomembno, da učitelj razume in pozna socialne, intelektualne in pedagoške vidike poučevanja za doseganje dobrega razumevanje evolucije in naravoslovne pismenosti pri učencih. Cilj naše raziskave je bil dobiti vpogled v znanje irskih učencev o evoluciji človeka v zadnjem triletju osnovne šole. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je njihovo znanje zadovoljivo. Prav tako nas je zanimalo, ali se znanje med učenci različnih šol, spolov in starosti razlikuje. Raziskavo smo opravili na Irskem. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 420 irskih učencev dveh osnovnih šol. V raziskavi smo uporabili Likertovo lestvico, s katero so učenci ocenjevali strinjanje z 28 trditvami o evoluciji človeka ter odgovorili na šest vprašanj izbirnega tipa. Splošno znanje irskih osnovnošolcev je bilo slabo, saj so skupno v povprečju dosegli 32,6 % uspešnost. Največ težav so učenci imeli pri vprašanjih, ki so vključevala splošno znanje o genetiki in časovni umestitvi dogodkov v evoluciji človeka. Najslabše znanje so pokazali pri trditvi »Ljudje in šimpanzi smo se razvili iz skupnega prednika«. To nakazuje, da učenci lahko menijo, da smo se razvili iz opic po linearni poti in imajo o teh dogodkih napačne predstave. V raziskavi smo našli razlike v znanju evolucije človeka med različnimi šolami in med spoloma. Uspešnejši so bili učenci Ursuline College Sligo od Summerhill College in dekleta bolj od fantov. Med različno starimi učenci razlik v znanju evolucije človeka ni bilo.

Keywords:Irska, osnovna šola, evolucija človeka, pouk, znanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[U. Praznik]
Number of pages:V, 50 str., [ 9] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102077 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12051785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Knowledge about human evolution among primary school pupils in Ireland
In the 2008 Irish Curriculum, there is no operational learning objective that would relate to human evolution. In the curriculum specification published in 2015, it is stated that pupils learn about evolution through natural selection, which explains the diversity of living beings. Teachers are thus more or less left to themselves in terms of the depth and quantity of the substance in question. Since teaching human evolution is demanding, it is important that the teacher understands the social, intellectual and pedagogical aspects of teaching in order to achieve a good understanding of evolution and natural science literacy. The aim of our research was to gain insight into the knowledge of Irish students about the human evolution in the last three years of elementary school. We wanted to find out whether their knowledge was satisfactory. We were also interested about the possible differences in knowledge between students of different schools, sexes and age. We conducted the survey in Ireland. The survey involved 420 Irish pupils from two elementary schools. In the study, we used the Likert scale, by which students evaluated the agreement with 28 claims on human evolution and answered six questions of the optional type. The general knowledge of Irish primary school students was poor, they achieved a total score of 32.6% on average. The students experienced the majority of problems with questions that included general knowledge about genetics and the time-schedule of events in human evolution. The lowest knowledge was related to the statement "People and Chimps developed from a common ancestor". This suggests that pupils may feel that we have developed from monkeys along a linear path and have misconceptions about these events. In the study, we found differences in the knowledge of human evolution between different schools and between the sexes. The students of the Ursuline College Sligo were more successful than the Summerhill College and girls than boys. There were no differences in the knowledge of human evolution between the differently old students.

Keywords:primary education, biology, osnovnošolski pouk, biologija

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