
Formativno spremljanje znanja pri matematiki : magistrsko delo
ID Salamon, Martina (Author), ID Manfreda Kolar, Vida (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5146 This link opens in a new window

Matematika je zelo pomemben predmet v osnovnošolskem izobraževanju, hkrati pa je tudi eden izmed najtežjih predmetov, pri katerem imajo učenci veliko težav. Še vedno se veliko učiteljev noče oz. nima časa ukvarjati z različnimi pristopi spremljanja učenčevega znanja. Prevladuje kultura iskanja napak in štetja nepravilnih odgovorov. Kljub temu čedalje več učiteljev uporablja formativno spremljanje znanja v smislu uporabe različnih uporabnih strategij. Spremljanje znanja omogoča učitelju prepoznavanje znanja učencev ter pomanjkljivosti, ki jih je potrebno odpraviti. S primerno strategijo formativnega spremljanja znanja učitelj lahko na zanimiv in hiter način ugotovi, kaj učenci že znajo, katere so njihove najpogostejše napačne predstave, kaj si želijo še izvedeti in kateri matematični pojmi jim predstavljajo največ težav. Na podlagi teh ugotovitev lahko učitelj prilagaja nadaljnje dejavnosti. Pri tem je zelo pomembna aktivna vloga učencev, njihova motivacija in želja po lastnem napredku, pri čemer znajo vrednotiti svoje znanje. Učitelj lahko to dosega z različnimi strategijami formativnega spremljanja. Glede na to, da formativno spremljanje znanja zavzema vedno večjo vlogo v poučevanju in se poudarja vloga sprotnega preverjanja za izboljševanje, smo z raziskavo najprej želeli ugotoviti, kaj učitelji razrednega pouka menijo o formativnem spremljanju znanja pri matematiki. Rezultati so pokazali, da se učiteljem razrednega pouka zdi formativno spremljanje znanja pomembno in temu pripisujejo kar nekaj pomena. Učence vključujejo v oblikovanje kriterijev uspešnosti, samovrednotenje znanja, vrstniško vrednotenje in jih seznanjajo z učnimi cilji; torej so učenci lahko aktivni v procesu učenja. Učitelji tudi menijo, da je njihovo formativno spremljanje znanja učinkovito, da učenci dobro sprejemajo njihovo povratno informacijo, manj pa jo tudi upoštevajo. Sklepamo lahko, da so na splošno učitelji in posledično tudi učenci zadovoljni z načinom spremljanja znanja. V teoretičnem delu je opisanih tudi nekaj novejših strategij formativnega spremljanja znanja pri matematiki. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kako se bodo nekatere od teh strategij izkazale za učinkovite v praksi (po izvedbi teh strategij učiteljic razrednega pouka pri pouku matematike). Vse strategije, ki so jih izvedle učiteljice razrednega pouka v razredu, so se izkazale za učinkovite, zanimive in uporabne. Nekatere učiteljice so kakšno strategijo poznale od prej in jo tudi že uporabile v razredu, vendar predvsem pri drugih predmetih in ne toliko pri matematiki. Učiteljice bodo po tej izkušnji strategije še naprej uporabljale tudi pri ostalih predmetih, saj so se tako njim kot učencem zdele zanimive in so popestrile pouk.

Keywords:preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja, strategije formativnega spremljanja pri matematiki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Salamon]
Number of pages:101 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102069 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12051529 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Formative monitoring of mathematics knowledge
Mathematics is a very important subject in primary education, but it is also one of the most difficult subjects in which pupils have many problems. Many teachers still do not want to or do not have time to deal with different approaches to monitoring the pupil’s knowledge, therefore the culture of seeking errors and counting incorrect answers is still dominant. Nonetheless, a growing number of teachers use the formative monitoring of knowledge, in terms of the use of various useful strategies. The monitoring of knowledge enables the teacher to recognise pupils’ knowledge and the weaknesses that need to be addressed. With an appropriate strategy of formative monitoring of the knowledge, the teacher can find out in an interesting and quick way, what pupils already know, what are the most common pupils’ misconceptions, what do they still want to know and which mathematical concepts cause them the biggest problems. On the basis of this findings the teacher can adjust his further activities. The active role of pupils, their motivation and the desire for their own progress, is very important in this regard, as they can evaluate their knowledge. The teacher can achieve this through various formative monitoring strategies. Due to the fact that formative monitoring of knowledge is playing an increasing role in teaching and that the role of continuous assessment for improvement is being emphasized, with this study I wanted to find out what primary school teachers think of the formative monitoring of mathematics knowledge. The results showed that formative monitoring of knowledge seems important to primary school teachers and that they consider it important. Teachers involve pupils in designing performance criteria, self-evaluation of knowledge, peer evaluation, and they acquaint them with learning goals; therefore, pupils can be active in the learning process. Teachers also consider that their formative monitoring of knowledge is effective and that their feedback is well received by the pupils, but they don't take it into account as much. The conclusion can be made that, in general, teachers, and consequently pupils, are satisfied with the way in which knowledge is being monitored. The theoretical part also describes some of the newer strategies for formative monitoring of mathematics knowledge. One of the goals of the study was to find out how some of these strategies will prove to be effective in practice (after the implementation of these strategies by primary teachers teaching mathematics). All strategies that the primary school teachers implemented in the classroom have proven to be effective, therefore interesting and useful. Some teachers have known some of these strategies beforehand and have already used them in class, but in other subjects, not so much in mathematics. After having this experience, the teachers will continue to use these strategies, even in other subjects, because they seemed interesting to both, teachers and pupils, and enriched the lessons.

Keywords:mathematics, primary education, matematika, osnovnošolski pouk

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