
Pomoč z likovno umetnostjo osebam z motnjami v duševnem razvoju s pridruženimi čustveno-vedenjskimi težavami : magistrsko delo
ID Zec, Danica (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Brumen-Čop, Andrej (Comentor)

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Motnje v duševnem razvoju (v nadaljevanju MDR) so motnje, za katere je značilno podpovprečno intelektualno delovanje in znižane prilagoditvene funkcije. MDR vplivajo na posameznikovo zaznavanje, dojemanje, mišljenje, interakcijo, čustvovanje in vedenje. Skupine oseb z MDR se delijo glede na stopnjo primanjkljaja na lažje, zmerne, težje in težke MDR. Osebe z MDR se lahko vključijo v prilagojene ali posebne programe vzgoje in izobraževanja. Večina oseb z MDR nima dostopa do trga dela in je vključena v različne delovne aktivnosti v sklopu centrov. Za svoje delo dobivajo simbolično plačilo. Živijo s starši ali v posebnih domovih za osebe z MDR, bivalnih enotah, stanovanjskih skupnostih ali v domovih za ostarele. Pri osebah z MDR se pogosto pojavljajo čustveno-vedenjske težave (v nadaljevanju ČVT). Za ČVT je značilno agresivno, avtoagresivno in delinkventno vedenje. Na pojav ČVT vplivajo različni biološki, ekološki, socialni in osebnostni dejavniki. Pomoč z likovno umetnostjo (v nadaljevanju PZLU), kot podvrst likovne terapije, se je pokazala kot ''delujoča'' pri obravnavi oseb z MDR s pridruženimi ČVT. Cilj PZLU je izboljšanje kakovosti življenja oseb, kar vključuje številna področja življenja posameznika. Pri osebah z MDR je posebej učinkovita, saj ponuja komunikacijo po drugi poti in ponuja možnost razvoja lastne identitete skozi razvoj slikarskega stila. Za PZLU je značilen triangularni odnos, ki vključuje udeleženca, likovni izdelek in terapevta. Njihov medsebojni odnos je zelo pomemben. PZLU ima določene faze in strukturo likovnoterapevtskih srečanj. Lahko poteka individualno ali skupinsko oz. kombinirano. Različne likovnoterapevtske tehnike in aktivnosti uporabimo glede na udeleženčeve značilnosti in cilje, ki jih želimo doseči. Poznavanje likovnih materialov in njihovo prilagajanje je pomembno, posebej pri delu z osebami z MDR. Zelo pomembno je poznavanje razvoja likovnega izražanja ter specifičnosti razvoja likovnega izražanja pri osebah z MDR. V empiričnem delu smo na tri študije primera ugotavljali vpliv pomoči z likovno umetnostjo pri obravnavi oseb z MDR s pridruženimi ČVT. Vpliv pomoči z umetnostjo smo opazovali na področjih samopodobe, samostojnosti, samoiniciativnosti in vztrajnosti, komunikacije, socialne interakcije ter na specifičnih področjih vedenja, značilnih za posamezne ČVT. V študijo so vključene 3 osebe z zmernimi MDR s pridruženimi ČVT, med 18. in 37. letom starosti. Pri ugotavljanju začetnega in končnega stanja smo uporabili standardizirano AAMD (The American Association for Mental Deficiency) lestvico adaptivnega vedenja (Igrić in Fulgosi-Masnjak, 1991) in vprašalnik, prilagojen po Evalvacijskem listu Pomoči z umetnostjo avtorice E. Bizjak (2007). Lestvico in vprašalnik je reševala strokovna oseba, ki dobro pozna obravnavano osebo. Izkazalo se, da ima PZLU pozitivne vplive na udeležence, predvsem na področja nezaželenega vedenja, samostojnosti in samopodobe. PZLU je pozitivno vplivala tudi na področja samoiniciativnosti in vztrajnosti, socialnih odnosov ter komunikacije. Ugotavljamo, da bi za večje spremembe pri tej populaciji bilo treba PZLU izvajati dlje časa, vsaj 2 leti ali več.

Keywords:čustvene težave, vedenjske težave, neprilagojeno vedenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[D. Zec]
Number of pages:151 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102068 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12051017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Art therapy for people with intellectual disabilities and emotional behavioral disorders
Intellectual disabilities (ID) are disorders characterised by under-average intellectual functioning and reduced adaptive functions. ID are affecting individual perceptions, ways of thinking, interactions, emotions and behaviour. According to a level of deficit persons with ID are categorised at mild, moderate, severe and profound intellectual disability. People with ID can be included in personalised or special education programs. Most people with ID have no access to the labour market and are involved in various work activities within the centres. They receive a symbolic payment for their work. They live with their parents or in special homes for people with ID, accommodation units, housing communities, or in homes for the elderly. Emotional and behavioural disorders often occur in people with ID. Emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD) are characterised by aggressive, auto-aggressive and delinquent behaviour. The occurrence of EBD is influenced by various biological, ecological, social and personality factors. Arts therapies, as a subtype of art therapy, turned out to be useful in dealing with people with ID associated with EBD. The goal of arts therapies is to improve the quality of people's lives, which includes many areas of life for an individual. For people with ID, it is particularly effective, because it offers communication along the other path and offers the possibility of developing its own identity through the development of the painting style. Arts therapies is characterised by the triangular relationship which includes a participant, an art product, and a therapist. Their mutual relationship is significant. Arts therapies has certain phases and structure of therapeutic meetings. It can be individually, collectively or combined. Different art therapy techniques and activities are used according to the participant's characteristics and goals that we want to achieve. Knowing and adapting art materials is essential, primarily when working with people with ID. It is crucial to know the development of artistic expression and the specificity of the development of artistic expression in persons with ID. In the empirical part, we used three case studies to determine the impact of arts therapies in the treatment of people with ID associated with EBD. The influence of arts therapies was observed in the areas of self-image, autonomy, self-initiative and perseverance, communication, social interaction and specific behavioural areas specific to individual EBD. In the study were involved three people with moderate ID associated with mild EBD, with between 18 and 37 years of age. In determining the initial and final condition, we used the standardized Adaptive Behavior Scale form The American Association for Mental Deficiency (AAMD) (Igrić in Fulgosi-Masnjak, 1991) and questionnaire customised by 'Evaluation List of Aid with Art' (Evalvacijski list Pomoči z umetnostjo) from the author E. Bizjak (2007). The scales and the questionnaires were filled by a professional who personally knows participants. The research showed that arts therapies has positive effects on participants, especially in the areas of challenging behaviour, autonomy and self-image. Arts therapies also had a positive impact on the areas of self-initiative and perseverance, social relations and communication. It has been concluded that for significant changes in this population, it would be necessary to carry out arts therapies for a more extended period, at least two years or more.

Keywords:mentally handicapped, art, therapy, duševno prizadeti, umetnost, terapija

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