
Vzgoja psov v zavodih za prestajanje kazni zapora : magistrsko delo
ID Božič, Tjaša (Author), ID Zrim Martinjak, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5143 This link opens in a new window

V svetu je praksa sodelovanja zavetišč za zapuščene živali in zavodov za prestajanje kazni zapora že kar nekaj let v porastu, medtem ko se na evropskih tleh počasi razvijajo podobni programi. V magistrskemu delu sem najprej namenila pozornost zgodovini programov vzgoje psov v zavodih za prestajanje kazni zapora, nato sem na kratko predstavila različne programe in njihove specifike. Besedo sem namenila tudi ZPKZ, ki delujejo v Sloveniji ter opisala trenutno stanje brezdomnih psov in zavetišč. Predstavila sem prednosti in omejitve programa ter izpostavila primere dobrih praks in pregled raziskav o učinkih teh programov. V empiričnem delu sem uporabila kvalitativno raziskovalno metodologijo, kjer sem s tehniko polstrukturiranega intervjuja zbrala podatke v dveh fazah. V prvi fazi sem predstavila različna programa, ki delujeta na področju vzgoje psov v ZPKZ v tujini. Druga faza vključuje pregled doslej obstoječih primerov vključevanja psov v programe v slovenskih ZPKZ. Empirični del obsega tudi analizo možnosti za aplikacijo takega programa v slovenskem prostoru. Rezultati kažejo, da ima program mnoge prednosti, tako za skupnost, obsojence in za psa. V slovenskem prostoru so v ZPKZ priložnosti za izvedbo programov vzgoje psov. Zavodi, kot so ZPKZ Dob, odprti oddelek Rogoza (sodi med ZPKZ Maribor), odprti oddelek Ig (sodi med ZPKZ Ljubljana) imajo primerno infrastrukturo, kjer bi se program lahko izvajal, medtem ko bi v ostalih zavodih bili zaradi neprimerne infrastrukture potrebni večji finančni vložki. Izzivi pri vzpostavljanju in med izvajanjem programa so predvsem organizacijskega značaja, udeleženi bi potrebovali pridobiti o programih veliko informacij, potrebno je izpolniti zahtevano dokumentacijo, vzpostaviti sodelovanje z zunanjimi institucijami in strokovnjaki in spremeniti bi morali hišna red in pravila. Izziv lahko predstavljajo kadrovske razmere in potencialna povečana obremenitev zaposlenih v zavodih. Izobraziti je potrebno zunanje strokovnjake, ki bi pridobili potrebna znanja o delu z obsojenci ter zaposlenimi. Potrebna je izbira odgovornih priprtih oseb in karakterno primernih psov. Program ima pomembno vlogo tudi pri povezovanju zavodov z zunanjimi institucijami in okolico. Menim, da bi v Sloveniji program vzgoje psov v ZPKZ doprinesli pomembne inovativnosti pri delu z uporabniki in hkrati na drugi strani pripomogli k razbremenitvi prenapolnjenih zavetišč v Sloveniji.

Keywords:zavod za prestajanje kazni zapora, programi vzgoje psov, psi, aplikacija programa v slovenski prostor
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Božič]
Number of pages:VI, 87 str., [14] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102066 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12047689 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Education of dogs in prisons
There has been an increase in the collaboration between animal shelters and correctional facilities over the years in the world, whereas some European countries are now slowly developing similar programmes. The Master’s thesis focuses on the history of prison dog programmes in correctional facilities. Furthermore, several different programmes and their characteristics are presented. Some focus has also been put on correctional facilities in Slovenia and current state of homeless dogs and shelters. The Master’s thesis presents advantages and disadvantages of the programme and focuses on good practise examples. Last but not least, the overview of researches on the effects of such programmes is also described. Qualitative research methodology was applied in the empirical part. A semi-structured interview was used to gather information in two phases. The first phase presents different programmes focusing on prison-based animal programmes abroad. The second phase includes an overview of the existing prison-based animal programmes in Slovenia. The empirical part also includes the analysis of the implementation of foreign prison-based animal programmes in Slovenia. The findings show that such programmes have great advantages not only for the community, but also for the convicts and the dogs. Correctional facilities in Slovenia offer opportunities to implement prison-based animal programmes. Institutions, such as the correctional facility in Dob, the open division Rogoza (as part of the correctional facility in Maribor), the open division in Ig (as part of the correctional facility in Ljubljana) have appropriate infrastructure for the implementation of such programme, whereas other facilities would need greater financial contributions due to inappropriate infrastructure. With time, such programmes could be self-handling. Challenges in both, the establishment and the implementation of such programmes lie in the organisation. The participants need detailed education about the programme, demanding documentation has to be filled in, cooperation amongst institutions and experts needs to be established and house rules need to be adjusted accordingly. The challenge may also lie in the conditions of human resources and in the potential increase of workload. The establishment of prison-based animal programmes includes proper education of those working with the dogs on the one hand and those external experts working with imprisoned individuals on the other hand. It is important to choose responsible imprisoned individuals and characteristically suitable dogs. The programme also has a significant role in the collaboration amongst the correctional facilities, external institutions and the community. The rearing dogs programme in correctional facilities in Slovenia would contribute to essential innovations in working with users. Additionally, it would relieve overcrowded dog shelters in Slovenia.

Keywords:prison, zapor

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