
Stališča specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov o prednostih in slabostih poučevanja v kombiniranih oddelkih : magistrsko delo
ID Jakopič Meze, Jasna (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo je osredotočeno na ugotavljanje stališč specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov (v nadaljevanju SRP) o prednostih in slabostih poučevanja v kombiniranih oddelkih Prilagojenega izobraževalnega programa devetletne osnovne šole z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom (v nadaljevanju Prilagojen program VIZ z NIS). V teoretičnem delu predstavimo osnovne pojme kombiniranega pouka, opredelimo zakonske in podzakonske akte, ki urejajo področje izvajanja kombiniranega pouka, ter predstavimo organizacijo in izvedbo vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela v kombiniranih oddelkih. Na kratko opišemo vlogo učitelja kombiniranega oddelka ter predstavimo prednosti in slabosti poučevanja v kombiniranem oddelku. Raziskava temelji na ocenjevanju merjenja stališč SRP o v literaturi opredeljenih prednostih in slabostih kombiniranega pouka s pomočjo intervalne merske lestvice. V ta namen je bila izdelana tudi avtorska ocenjevalna lestvica, ki jo je izpolnilo 50 SRP. Dobljeni rezultati so bili statistično obdelani, zbrani podatki pa so predstavljeni opisno in tabelarno. Rezultati kažejo stopnjo strinjanja s prednostmi in slabostmi poučevanja v kombiniranih oddelkih Prilagojenega programa VIZ z NIS. Ugotovili smo, da se pojavi statistično pomembna razlika v povprečnih vrednostih glede na delovne izkušnje SRP. SRP z manj let delovnih izkušenj se bolj strinjajo s trditvijo, da kombinirani oddelki zaradi manjšega števila učencev nudijo ugodnejše učno okolje za vključitev otrok z različnimi posebnimi potrebami. Rezultati kažejo stopnjo strinjanja s prednostmi in slabostmi poučevanja v kombiniranih oddelkih Prilagojenega programa VIZ z NIS in ponujajo smernice nadaljnjega raziskovanja omenjenega področja.

Keywords:kombiniran pouk, stališča, prednosti in slabosti, učenci z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju, prilagojen program VIZ z NIS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[J. Jakopič Meze]
Number of pages:66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102062 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12046665 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Special education teachers' opinion on advantages and disadvantages of teaching in combined classes
The aim of the master’s thesis is to determine the opinions of special education professionals (hereinafter ‘the SEPs’) on the advantages and disadvantages of teaching in combined classes of the adapted basic school programme of a lower educational standard (hereinafter ‘the adapted educational programme’).The theoretical part discusses the basic notions of combined classes, defines the legal acts and statutory instruments regulating the implementation of combined classes and presents the organisation and implementation of educational work in such classes. The role of a teacher in a combined class is presented along with the advantages and disadvantages of teaching in a combined class. The survey is based on the opinions of SEPs regarding the advantages and disadvantages of combined classes as defined in the literature using an interval scale. A new rating scale, which was completed by 50 SEPs, was designed to this end. The results obtained were statistically processed, whereas the data collected is presented in textual form and in tables. The results show that the teachers agree on the advantages and disadvantages of teaching in combined classes of the adapted educational programme. We also found a statistically significant difference in the average value with regard to the professional experience of SEPs. The less experienced SEPs are more likely to agree with the assertion that, due to a lower number of pupils, combined classes offer a more favourable learning environment for the integration of children with different special needs. The results show a level of agreement with the advantages and disadvantages of teaching in combined classes of the adapted educational programme and propose guidelines for further research in the area.

Keywords:special education, pouk po prilagojenem programu

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